Stonyford, CA Weather
Weather Today for Fri Nov 22nd 2024
Feels Like 53.6°F
Light Rain
Stonyford, CA Weather Today
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- Barometer: 29.82 inHg. rising
- Humidity: 93.6%
- Wind: from N. 0mph
- Wind Gust: mph
- Heat Index: 54°F
- Dew Point: 52°F steady
- Visibility: 10 mile(s)
- Sunrise: 7:01 AM
- Sunset: 4:49 PM
- Moon Phase: Waning Crescent Moon
5-Day Weather Summary
At Lower elevations, rain showers in the evening, then a chance of rain showers after midnight, patchy fog through the night, rain showers in the evening. A chance of rain showers after midnight. At Higher elevations, patchy fog in the evening. Widespread fog after midnight, patchy fog in the evening. Widespread fog after midnight, rain showers in the evening. Snow showers late in the evening, then a chance of snow showers after midnight. A chance of rain showers after midnight. Snow showers likely late in the night. Colder. Lows 28 to 42 higher elevations...41 to 47 lower elevations. No snow accumulation lower elevations...Up to 3 inches higher elevations. Snow level 5000 feet after midnight. Prevailing southwest winds up to 10 mph with gusts to around 25 mph.
Low: 32°F
Rain/Snow Showers
Becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. At Lower elevations, a chance of rain showers in the morning, then a slight chance of rain showers in the afternoon. At Higher elevations, rain and snow showers in the morning, then a slight chance of rain and snow showers in the afternoon. Highs 33 to 48 higher elevations...49 to 55 lower elevations. No snow accumulation lower elevations...2 to 4 inches higher elevations. Snow level 4500 feet. Prevailing southwest winds up to 10 mph with gusts to around 25 mph.
Low: 36°F
Rain/Snow Showers
Rain and snow showers. Highs 31 to 45 higher elevations...45 to 51 lower elevations. No snow accumulation lower elevations...Up to 3 inches higher elevations. Snow level 4000 feet. Prevailing south winds up to 15 mph.
Low: 40°F
Rain/Snow Showers
Rain and snow showers. Light snow accumulations possible. Highs 36 to 51.
Low: 36°F
Rain/Snow Showers
Rain and snow showers. Light snow accumulations possible. Highs 36 to 51.
Temperatures Today
The following chart reports what the hourly Stonyford, CA temperature has been today, from 12:00 AM to 5:45 PM Fri, Nov 22nd 2024. The lowest temperature reading has been 53.6 degrees fahrenheit at 4:35 PM, while the highest temperature is 60.8 degrees fahrenheit at 1:55 AM.