The current weather in Freeland PA, as of 5:54 PM EST MON NOV 4 2024, has a sky condition of Clear with the visibility of 10 mile(s). It is 54 degrees fahrenheit and feels like 54 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is 30.31 - measured by inch of mercury units - and is falling since its last observation. The humidity is 56 percent with a dew point of 39.0 degrees fahrenheit that is falling since the last report. Wind direction is from the VRB at 3 miles per hour, gusting at 5 mph. Sunrise is at 6:37 AM and Sunset is at 4:54 PM. The moon phase is a Waxing Crescent Moon. The forecast for Tonight is partly cloudy, with a low around 45. south wind 5 to 7 mph. Tomorrow's weather for Tuesday has an expected forecast of Mostly sunny, with a high near 68. Southwest wind 6 to 8 mph. Thank you for listening to the AI weather report from!
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