The current weather in Elizabeth NJ, as of 11:55 PM EST, has a sky condition of Drizzle with the visibility of 10 mile(s). It is 37 degrees fahrenheit but feels like 32 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is 29.37 - measured by inch of mercury units - and is falling since its last observation. The humidity is 93.13 percent with a dew point of 35.6 degrees fahrenheit that is steady since the last report. Wind direction is from the WestSouthWest at 7 miles per hour, gusting at 9 mph. Sunrise is at 6:49 AM and Sunset is at 4:33 PM. The moon phase is a Last Quarter Moon. The forecast for Forecast Temperatures is early morning low/daytime high probability of precipitation nighttime 6pm-6am/daytime 6am-6pm - indicates temperatures below zero mm indicates missing data fcst fcst fcst fcst fcst fcst fcst today sat sun mon tue wed thu sep 09 sep 10 sep 11 sep 12 sep 13 sep 14 sep 15 ...delaware... dover afb, de mocldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /79 68/81 66/79 65/80 64/82 64/80 59/74 /30 40/40 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 georgetown, de mocldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /80 65/83 64/81 64/82 63/82 63/80 61/76 /30 40/40 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 wilmington, de mocldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /82 69/82 65/78 66/81 65/82 64/80 61/74 /30 40/40 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 jersey... andover, nj ptcldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /83 60/79 59/71 59/76 59/75 59/71 54/65 /10 20/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 atlantic city, nj ptcldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /76 69/81 67/75 64/78 67/78 68/74 61/72 /10 30/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 millville, nj mocldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /79 65/82 63/78 62/82 64/82 62/80 58/74 /20 40/40 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 newark, nj ptcldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /83 68/78 65/75 65/82 64/79 65/77 60/71 /10 20/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 somerville, nj ptcldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /84 62/80 61/75 60/80 61/80 60/77 55/71 /10 20/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 teterboro, nj ptcldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /83 67/83 64/76 64/80 64/80 64/78 59/72 /10 20/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 trenton, nj mocldy ptcldy mocldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy ptcldy /84 67/81 64/76 63/80 63/81 62/78 58/72 /20 30/30 30/30 10/10 10/10 20/30 30/10 Tomorrow's weather for has an expected forecast of Thank you for listening to the AI weather report from!
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