Delhi, CA Weather
Weather Today for Fri Nov 22nd 2024
Feels Like 62°F

Delhi, CA Weather Today
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- Barometer: 29.98 inHg. falling
- Humidity: 39.16%
- Wind: from SSW. 9mph
- Wind Gust: 12mph
- Heat Index: 62°F
- Dew Point: 37°F rising
- Visibility: 10 mile(s)
- Sunrise: 6:49 AM
- Sunset: 4:46 PM
- Moon Phase: Waning Crescent Moon
5-Day Weather Summary
Low: 51°F
Chance Of T-Storm
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and slight chance of thunderstorms. Chance of precipitation 50 percent. Highs 67 to 72. West winds up to 10 mph.
Low: 52°F
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly cloudy. Highs 67 to 72. Light winds.
Low: 50°F
Chance Of Showers
Cloudy. Slight chance of showers in the morning, then chance of showers in the afternoon. Chance of showers 50 percent. Highs 65 to 70. Light winds.
Low: 52°F
Chance Of Showers
Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of showers in the morning, then chance of showers in the afternoon. Chance of showers 50 percent. Highs 66 to 71.
Low: 52°F
Chance Of Showers
Cloudy. Chance of showers in the morning, then slight chance of showers in the afternoon. Chance of showers 50 percent. Highs 69 to 74.
Temperatures Today
The following chart reports what the hourly Delhi, CA temperature has been today, from 6:53 AM to 10:58 AM Fri, Nov 22nd 2024. The lowest temperature reading has been 48.2 degrees fahrenheit at 6:53 AM, while the highest temperature is 62.6 degrees fahrenheit at 10:58 AM.