Saint-Jerome, Quebec Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 11:15 AM EDT
High: 28ºC / 82ºF   Low: 17ºC / 63ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1980%15.110167.6NNW15.900
1 AM1880%14.810166.1NNW12.900
2 AM1881%14.410166.1NNW12.900
3 AM1782%1410166.1NNW12.900
4 AM1782%13.810166.5N13.600
5 AM1782%13.610165N10.600
6 AM1784%14.210165N10.600
7 AM1785%14.510165.4NNE11.300
8 AM2085%14.810175.8NNE10.700
9 AM2273%16.510165.4NE7.300
10 AM2466%17.310167.2NE8.300
11 AM2660%18.110168.3ENE9.500
12 PM2757%18.210157.9E9.100
1 PM2855%18.210158.3ENE9.500
2 PM2853%18.310158.3E9.500
3 PM2756%17.510157.9E9.200
4 PM2657%17.210148.6E10.700
5 PM2559%16.810148.3E11.400
6 PM2464%16.610147.2ESE12.600
7 PM2367%16.610144.7E9.800
8 PM2270%16.510155.8NNE12.100
9 PM2180%17.210157.6NNE15.900
10 PM2085%17.610159.7NNE19.900
11 PM1979%15.9101610.1NNE19.200
High: 26ºC / 79ºF   Low: 16ºC / 61ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1987%16.910205.4WNW11.300
1 AM1988%16.810204.7W9.800
2 AM1890%16.610205.8W12.100
3 AM1892%16.110195WNW10.600
4 AM1793%15.810194.3WNW9.100
5 AM1794%15.610194WNW8.300
6 AM1694%15.410204.3NW9.100
7 AM1695%15.310203.6NW7.600
8 AM1895%15.310201.8WNW3.200
9 AM2081%16.410203.2SW4.100
10 AM2274%16.910205.4SSW6.200
11 AM2367%17.510195.8SSW6.600
12 PM2462%17.110195.8SSW6.600
1 PM2560%1710187.2SSW8.300
2 PM2657%16.810189.7SSW11.200
3 PM2660%17.7101712.6SSW14.700
4 PM2661%18.2101711.9SW15.100
5 PM2562%18.7101610.4SW14.400
6 PM2469%17.710168.6SW14.900
7 PM2372%17.310168.6W18.100
8 PM2275%16.810168.3W17.400
9 PM2181%16.810167.6WNW15.900
10 PM2084%16.710166.8NW14.400
11 PM2083%17.210206.1NW12.900
High: 26ºC / 79ºF   Low: 17ºC / 63ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1989%17.510228.6W18.100
1 AM1990%17.410229W18.900
2 AM1992%17.210229W18.900
3 AM1894%17.210228.6WSW18.100
4 AM1896%17.110228.6WSW18.100
5 AM1897%17.110228.6WSW18.100
6 AM1797%16.710229.4WSW19.700
7 AM1797%16.610228.3WSW17.400
8 AM1897%16.410228.3WSW15.300
9 AM1896%17.6102211.5WSW15.400
10 AM1995%18.2102212.6WSW1500
11 AM2195%18.8102213.3SW15.300
12 PM2376%18.1102113WSW14.900
1 PM2567%17.8102112.6SW14.500
2 PM2658%17.4102013.3SW15.300
3 PM2659%17.9102012.6SW14.800
4 PM2660%18.1102013.7SW1700
5 PM2560%18.4101911.9SW16.300
6 PM2466%17.4102010.1SW17.200
7 PM2369%16.910209.7WSW20.400
8 PM2273%16.410209W18.900
9 PM2176%16.110207.9W16.600
10 PM2178%1610207.2WNW15.100
11 PM2087%17.910226.1WNW12.900
High: 26ºC / 80ºF   Low: 17ºC / 62ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1893%17.310246.1W12.900
1 AM1894%17.210246.5W13.600
2 AM1895%17.110247.6W15.900
3 AM1895%16.910247.9W16.600
4 AM1796%16.810258.3WSW17.400
5 AM1797%16.610258.3WSW17.400
6 AM1796%16.210258.3WSW17.400
7 AM1795%15.710259WSW18.900
8 AM1989%16.110258.3WSW15.200
9 AM2175%15.9102511.5SW14.900
10 AM2268%16.1102512.6SW14.700
11 AM2463%16.5102514SW16.200
12 PM2561%16.9102415.8SW18.200
1 PM2659%17.1102415.8SW18.200
2 PM2657%17.3102315.8SW18.200
3 PM2656%17.4102314SW16.200
4 PM2658%17.6102215.5SW19.200
5 PM2566%18.9102313.7SW18.200
6 PM2376%19.3102311.9SW19.400
7 PM2187%18.810239.7WSW20.400
8 PM2090%18.310239.7W20.400
9 PM2091%17.810239.4W19.700
10 PM1990%17.310227.2W15.100
11 PM1990%1710227.6W15.900
High: 26ºC / 79ºF   Low: 17ºC / 63ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1977%14.410266.5NE11.500
1 AM1876%14.210266.8NE11.800
2 AM1876%13.810267.2NE12.400
3 AM1875%13.610266.8NE11.700
4 AM1874%13.210266.5NE11.300
5 AM1873%12.710266.1NE10.700
6 AM1772%12.310266.1ENE10.500
7 AM1771%11.810276.5ENE11.100
8 AM1872%12.110276.1ENE9.800
9 AM2065%12.110276.1E7.700
10 AM2159%12.510275.4E6.200
11 AM2355%13.210275.4ESE6.200
12 PM2452%13.910275.8SE6.600
1 PM2550%14.310266.8SSE7.900
2 PM2649%14.810266.5S7.500
3 PM2650%1510257.6SSW8.700
4 PM2652%15.610257.9SSW9.400
5 PM2556%16.410257.2SSW9.400
6 PM2370%1810256.5SW10.900
7 PM2180%17.210256.8WSW14.400
8 PM2085%16.910256.8W14.400
9 PM1988%16.810256.5WNW13.600
10 PM1989%16.710255.8WNW12.100
11 PM1889%16.510245.4WNW11.300
High: 24ºC / 76ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.12 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1687%13.810247.2NNW15.100
1 AM1688%13.810246.8NNW14.400
2 AM1689%13.610245.8N12.100
3 AM1590%13.610246.1N12.900
4 AM1591%13.610246.1N12.900
5 AM1593%13.610245.8NNE12.100
6 AM1594%13.510256.1NNE12.900
7 AM1694%13.910256.1NNE12.900
8 AM1790%15.110256.5NE11.100
9 AM1982%15.410268.6ENE1200
10 AM2076%15.9102610.1ENE12.800
11 AM2171%16.210269.7ENE1200
12 PM2368%16.510259E10.70.010
1 PM2465%16.810258.6E9.90.030
2 PM2463%17.210258.3E9.50.030
3 PM2463%17.210248.3ESE9.50.020
4 PM2465%17.410247.9ESE9.40.010
5 PM2368%17.710247.9ESE100.020
6 PM2278%18.710247.2E10.700
7 PM2088%17.610257.9ENE16.100
8 PM1992%1710257.2NE15.100
9 PM1894%16.610257.2NE15.100
10 PM1794%16.210256.8NNE14.400
11 PM1794%15.810256.5NNE13.600
High: 25ºC / 77ºF   Low: 14ºC / 57ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.78 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1590%13.110226.1WNW12.90.150
1 AM1590%13.110226.5W13.60.110
2 AM1592%13.110226.8W14.400
3 AM1493%13.210227.9W16.60.150
4 AM1493%13.110226.1WNW12.90.170
5 AM1493%12.910226.1W12.900
6 AM1493%12.610225.4W11.300
7 AM1592%12.710235W10.600
8 AM1689%1410235WSW9.400
9 AM1881%14.710234.7WSW6.800
10 AM2172%15.310233.2WSW4.100
11 AM2265%15.810231.8S2.100
12 PM2461%1610233.6S4.100
1 PM2558%16.210225.8S6.900
2 PM2557%16.410227.2S9.100
3 PM2558%16.9102110.8S14.400
4 PM2466%18102112.2SSW18.40.020
5 PM2374%18.8102110.8SSW17.70.060
6 PM2283%19.110229.7SSW18.60.090
7 PM2188%18.710228.3SSW17.40.030
8 PM2090%18.210226.5SW13.600
9 PM2089%17.810223.6WSW7.600
10 PM1990%17.710231.1WSW2.300
11 PM1991%17.610230.7W1.500
High: 23ºC / 73ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 2.03 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1492%12.210215W10.600
1 AM1493%12.410215.8W12.100
2 AM1393%12.410214.3W9.100
3 AM1494%12.410226.5W13.600
4 AM1391%12.310225W10.60.010
5 AM1392%11.710225WSW10.600
6 AM1390%1110224.7WSW9.800
7 AM1488%1110224.3WSW9.100
8 AM1581%11.710234WSW7.300
9 AM1677%11.610235SW8.700
10 AM1869%11.510237.2SW10.400
11 AM1965%12.310238.3SSW1100
12 PM2162%13.310239.4SSW11.700
1 PM2258%13.8102210.1SSW12.200
2 PM2357%14.1102210.8SSW13.400
3 PM2357%14.3102210.8SW14.200
4 PM2359%14.8102111.2SW15.400
5 PM2264%15.5102110.1SW15.200
6 PM2074%16.710228.3SW14.600
7 PM1985%1610227.9WSW16.600
8 PM1890%15.510225.4W11.300
9 PM1791%15.110225.4WNW11.30.520
10 PM1693%14.910226.5NW13.60.50
11 PM1695%14.810226.1WNW12.90.990
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 8ºC / 47ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1072%510207.6W15.900
1 AM974%5.110209W18.900
2 AM978%5.210209.4W19.700
3 AM979%5.310219W18.900
4 AM978%5.210218.6W18.100
5 AM879%5.110218.6W18.100
6 AM881%510218.6WSW18.100
7 AM1082%5.510229WSW18.900
8 AM1277%7.110229WSW16.500
9 AM1471%8.4102211.5WSW16.200
10 AM1667%9.8102211.2SW14.400
11 AM1764%10.7102212.6SW15.200
12 PM1962%11.5102113.7SW15.700
1 PM2060%12.1102114.8SW17.300
2 PM2159%12.6102114.4SW17.100
3 PM2158%13102014.8SW1800
4 PM2158%13102014.4SW19.300
5 PM2162%13.5101914SW20.400
6 PM1973%15101910.4SW17.400
7 PM1788%14.910198.3SW17.400
8 PM1693%14.310207.6WSW15.900
9 PM1593%13.910206.8W14.400
10 PM1593%13.510205.8WSW12.100
11 PM1494%13.110206.5WSW13.600
High: 18ºC / 64ºF   Low: 6ºC / 42ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM864%210169NNW18.900
1 AM864%1.410168.6NNW18.100
2 AM767%1.510167.6NNW15.900
3 AM771%1.510176.1NNW12.900
4 AM674%1.710176.8NW14.400
5 AM678%2.110189NW18.900
6 AM681%2.5101810.1NW21.200
7 AM783%2.810189.4WNW19.300
8 AM974%3.610199WNW13.200
9 AM1161%3.4101911.9NW14.800
10 AM1250%2.6101914NW16.700
11 AM1444%2.1101914.8NW17.400
12 PM1540%2101915.1NW1800
1 PM1638%2.4101815.5NW18.900
2 PM1737%2.7101814.8WNW18.900
3 PM1837%3.1101814.8WNW19.900
4 PM1840%4.2101814WNW20.300
5 PM1748%6.5101811.2W17.600
6 PM1560%8.210189.4W18.300
7 PM1371%7.510189.7W20.400
8 PM1177%6.810199.7W20.400
9 PM1081%6.510198.6W18.100
10 PM1081%6.110198.3W17.400
11 PM978%5.510197.9W16.600
High: 18ºC / 64ºF   Low: 6ºC / 42ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM783%4.4101218WSW25.900
1 AM782%4.7101319.4WSW2700
2 AM783%4.7101320.9WSW28.900
3 AM685%4.3101319.8WSW29.200
4 AM687%3.7101316.9WSW27.100
5 AM683%3.1101315.8W27.800
6 AM676%2.1101413.3WSW24.900
7 AM680%1.9101412.6WSW24.200
8 AM873%2.2101513.3WSW20.300
9 AM1159%2.4101515.1WSW19.100
10 AM1350%2.7101515.8WSW18.600
11 AM1543%2.5101416.6WSW1900
12 PM1639%2.2101418.4WSW21.500
1 PM1736%1.9101320.2WSW24.600
2 PM1835%2.1101320.9WSW25.800
3 PM1835%2.4101319.4WSW25.200
4 PM1840%4.4101317.3WSW23.400
5 PM1745%5.6101314.8WSW23.100
6 PM1555%6.9101311.2W21.100
7 PM1366%6.310149.4W19.700
8 PM1166%4.310149.4WNW19.700
9 PM1064%310158.6NW18.100
10 PM962%2.210159.7NW20.400
11 PM963%1.710169.4NW19.700
High: 10ºC / 49ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.59 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM794%6.7101016.9WSW25.70.020
1 AM694%5.4101016.2SW24.100
2 AM694%4.5101117.3WSW25.80.010
3 AM591%3.7101119.1WSW28.80.010
4 AM591%3.1101119.4WSW29.40.020
5 AM590%3.2101117.3SW25.90.010
6 AM590%3.3101117.6SW26.20.010
7 AM689%3.6101116.2SW230.010
8 AM685%3.6101118SW25.10.060
9 AM687%3.8101117.6SW24.300
10 AM879%3.8101119.8SW25.50.010
11 AM868%3.8101124.1SW28.60.10
12 PM970%3.4101121.2WSW28.30.020
1 PM967%3.8101124.1WSW29.30.070
2 PM1071%4.4101123.8WSW31.10.090
3 PM1071%4.9101124.5WSW30.50.120
4 PM1068%4.1101223.8W30.60.020
5 PM1068%4.1101221.6W28.10.010
6 PM969%4.1101218.7W26.600
7 PM872%3.5101218.4W29.100
8 PM872%3.4101316.9W2600
9 PM778%3.5101315.1W25.300
10 PM882%4101414.8WSW24.400
11 PM879%4.2101314.8WSW22.100
High: 16ºC / 61ºF   Low: 6ºC / 43ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 19.17 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1579%11.410119.4ENE19.700
1 AM1579%11.210118.3ENE17.400
2 AM1581%11.810117.9E16.200
3 AM1583%12.610106.8ESE13.600
4 AM1589%12.810104.7ENE9.600
5 AM1492%12.810096.8ENE14.100
6 AM1495%13.110096.8ENE13.60.160
7 AM1594%13.510087.9ENE13.80.020
8 AM1690%14.210088.6ESE12.60.180
9 AM1692%15.1100710.8SE15.30.690
10 AM1695%15.5100713SSE19.31.710
11 AM1698%15.9100717.3S25.34.040
12 PM1497%14.9100718.7SW264.470
1 PM1397%11.5100818.7WSW26.51.620
2 PM1297%10.6100920.9WSW28.92.550
3 PM1196%9.9100919.8WSW28.72.670
4 PM1095%9.2100917.3WSW26.20.50
5 PM1094%8.9101016.9WSW26.30.170
6 PM994%8.8101018.4WSW27.90.390
7 PM993%7.8101014.8W24.100
8 PM892%7.2101112.6WSW20.800
9 PM794%6.7101110.4WSW17.700
10 PM793%5.3101113.7W24.200
11 PM691%4.8101113.7W22.500
High: 23ºC / 74ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1690%13.810223.2WNW6.800
1 AM1591%13.510222.5WNW5.300
2 AM1591%13.310220.4SSE0.800
3 AM1492%1310221.4SE300
4 AM1492%12.710211.4SE300
5 AM1392%12.110211.4SSE300
6 AM1390%11.410211.8SE3.800
7 AM1588%11.410222.5E5.300
8 AM1681%12.510213.2E5.300
9 AM1871%12.510214.7ESE5.700
10 AM1965%12.710216.5SE7.500
11 AM2161%1310207.2SE8.300
12 PM2258%13.310199.7SE11.200
1 PM2355%13.4101913SE14.900
2 PM2354%13.5101814SE16.200
3 PM2353%13.4101813SE1500
4 PM2355%13.7101711.9SE14.700
5 PM2258%14.5101610.1SE13.600
6 PM2067%14.810169ESE16.500
7 PM1972%13.4101510.1E21.200
8 PM1774%12.3101510.1E21.200
9 PM1680%12.510158.3ENE17.400
10 PM1585%12.610157.6NE15.900
11 PM1588%12.810157.6NE15.900
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 13ºC / 54ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1488%11.810288.3W17.400
1 AM1486%11.110288.3W17.400
2 AM1482%10.510288.6WSW18.100
3 AM1383%10.510288.3WSW17.400
4 AM1387%10.510288.3WSW17.400
5 AM1389%10.710287.2W15.100
6 AM1391%10.810286.5WSW13.600
7 AM1491%11.210286.8WSW14.400
8 AM1683%12.110287.9SW1300
9 AM1773%12.2102811.2SW14.800
10 AM1966%12.3102813SW16.400
11 AM2061%12.4102814SW17.500
12 PM2157%12.7102715.8SW1900
1 PM2255%13102616.6SW19.900
2 PM2354%13.6102616.2SW18.600
3 PM2452%13.8102515.1SSW17.400
4 PM2452%13.8102412.2SW14.600
5 PM2455%14.610248.6SW11.200
6 PM2268%16.810245.4SSW8.200
7 PM2076%15.410244.3SW9.100
8 PM1980%14.510244.3WNW9.100
9 PM1881%1410244.3NW9.100
10 PM1782%13.610234.3NW9.100
11 PM1684%13.310235WNW10.600
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Partly Cloudy 20°C
1017 mb
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