Rock Island, Quebec Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 7:15 PM EDT
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 12ºC / 53ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1356%5.110189.4SSW19.700
1 AM1356%4.810188.6SSW18.100
2 AM1357%4.6101810.1SSW21.200
3 AM1259%4.6101810.1SSW21.200
4 AM1260%4.6101810.1SSW21.200
5 AM1262%4.610179.7SSW20.400
6 AM1263%4.910188.6SSW18.100
7 AM1264%510189.4SSW19.700
8 AM1365%5.210189SSW18.900
9 AM1462%7.110188.3SSW1500
10 AM1661%8.110188.3WSW10.200
11 AM1859%9.1101812.2W14.200
12 PM1958%11101713.7W15.700
1 PM2058%12101714W16.200
2 PM2158%12.9101715.1W17.400
3 PM2162%13.7101814.8WNW1700
4 PM2164%14.1101812.2WNW15.400
5 PM2066%14.5101810.4WNW16.300
6 PM1872%13.310194.7WNW9.800
7 PM1775%12.610204SW8.300
8 PM1678%1210203.2SSW6.800
9 PM1584%12.310211.8SSW3.700
10 PM1587%12.410220.7SW1.500
11 PM1456%5.610190.7S1.500
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 4ºC / 39ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM875%3.710285.4S11.300
1 AM777%3.610285.4S11.300
2 AM779%3.510285.8S12.100
3 AM684%3.510285.8S12.100
4 AM687%3.510286.1S12.900
5 AM590%3.610276.5S13.600
6 AM592%3.210276.1S12.900
7 AM493%310276.5S13.600
8 AM794%2.810276.8S14.400
9 AM979%5.310266.5S11.200
10 AM1272%6.510267.2SSW9.100
11 AM1465%7.710257.2SW8.500
12 PM1659%8.510248.3SW9.500
1 PM1855%8.9102310.8SW12.400
2 PM1852%9.2102311.5WSW13.200
3 PM1951%8.8102211.5WSW13.900
4 PM1951%8.6102210.4SW14.200
5 PM1851%8.510227.9SSW15.800
6 PM1755%7.310218.6SSW18.100
7 PM1556%6.710219SSW18.900
8 PM1558%6.110218.6SSW18.100
9 PM1458%5.810219SSW18.900
10 PM1259%5.710219SSW18.900
11 PM1271%3.910289SSW18.900
High: 18ºC / 64ºF   Low: 3ºC / 38ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM682%2.610333.6S7.600
1 AM584%2.610334S8.300
2 AM586%2.510334.3SSW9.100
3 AM489%2.410334.7S9.800
4 AM490%2.410334.3S9.100
5 AM491%2.410334.7S9.800
6 AM492%2.310344.7S9.800
7 AM392%2.210344.7S9.800
8 AM693%2.210345S10.600
9 AM976%4.410334SSW6.200
10 AM1268%5.510323.6SW4.100
11 AM1459%6.610324SW4.600
12 PM1654%6.710314.7WSW5.400
1 PM1751%6.810305WSW5.800
2 PM1748%6.810305.8WSW6.600
3 PM1848%6.810295.8WSW7.100
4 PM1848%6.710295WSW6.800
5 PM1648%6.710294W800
6 PM1454%4.910293.6SW7.600
7 PM1257%410294.3SSW9.100
8 PM1159%310295SSW10.600
9 PM1063%2.710295.4SSW11.300
10 PM865%2.510295.4S11.300
11 PM877%2.810335.8S12.100
High: 16ºC / 60ºF   Low: 3ºC / 37ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM386%1.410281.8SE3.800
1 AM387%1.310280.4ESE0.800
2 AM388%1.310280.7ENE1.500
3 AM389%1.210291.1NE2.300
4 AM390%1.210290.7NNE1.500
5 AM391%1.110291.1N2.300
6 AM389%1.210301.1NNE2.300
7 AM388%1.210301.1NNE2.300
8 AM687%1.210311.4NNE300
9 AM872%2.910312.2N300
10 AM1164%3.710313.6N4.100
11 AM1356%4.510314.7NNW5.400
12 PM1451%4.510316.1N7.100
1 PM1548%4.410316.5N7.500
2 PM1646%4.410306.5N7.500
3 PM1648%4.910306.5N7.600
4 PM1649%5.210305.8N7.300
5 PM1450%5.410304N6.900
6 PM1258%3.810312.9N600
7 PM1062%310321.4NNW300
8 PM965%2.210320.7SSW1.500
9 PM871%2.310322.2S4.500
10 PM674%2.410322.9S600
11 PM684%1.510283.2S6.800
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 1ºC / 34ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM475%-0.110223.2SW6.800
1 AM475%-0.210224.7SSW9.800
2 AM376%-0.310235.8S12.100
3 AM379%-0.410244.7SSW9.800
4 AM282%-0.610244.3SSW9.100
5 AM285%-0.610244.7SSW9.800
6 AM188%-0.510253.2SSW6.800
7 AM190%-0.810252.9SSW600
8 AM387%-0.310251.8WSW3.300
9 AM576%0.410251.8NW2.200
10 AM769%0.910261.4WNW1.700
11 AM861%2.310263.2WSW3.700
12 PM958%1.810265WSW5.800
1 PM957%1.610256.5WNW7.500
2 PM1160%1.910257.6NW8.700
3 PM1257%4.310256.5NW7.500
4 PM1258%4.710257.9NW9.800
5 PM1162%510257.2NNW1100
6 PM1066%4.510255.8NNW12.100
7 PM871%4.410265.8N12.100
8 PM676%1.610264.3N9.100
9 PM580%1.510271.4NE300
10 PM382%1.510271.8ESE3.800
11 PM392%-0.110281.8ESE3.800
High: 6ºC / 43ºF   Low: 2ºC / 35ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 1.11 mm / Snow: 0.94 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM295%1.5100710.4W14.400
1 AM295%1.510079.7W13.300
2 AM295%1.5100710.4WNW14.41.110.94
3 AM295%1.2100810.8WNW14.900
4 AM294%0.7100911.5WNW15.900
5 AM295%1.6100814.4WNW20.200
6 AM395%1.9100914.4WNW20.100
7 AM395%2.1101013.7WNW19.300
8 AM395%2.1101115.5NW21.500
9 AM393%2101216.2NW21.700
10 AM390%1.6101315.8NW20.900
11 AM488%1.9101416.9NW20.100
12 PM583%1.7101517.6NW20.800
1 PM578%1.9101416.6NW19.600
2 PM676%1.9101517.6NW2100
3 PM675%1.9101614.8WNW19.100
4 PM674%1.8101613WNW17.500
5 PM674%1.8101711.5WNW16.800
6 PM676%1.710189W14.800
7 PM577%1.710197.2W12.500
8 PM578%1.610205.8W10.400
9 PM577%1.410214.3WSW9.100
10 PM575%0.910214W8.300
11 PM474%0.310223.2WSW6.800
High: 3ºC / 37ºF   Low: 1ºC / 34ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM392%1.9100713.7WNW20.900
1 AM293%1.5100714WNW21.200
2 AM294%1.2100714WNW2100
3 AM295%1100713.3W19.200
4 AM295%0.9100712.2W17.700
5 AM196%0.8100711.2W16.100
6 AM196%0.5100711.9W16.900
7 AM196%0.4100811.2W15.700
8 AM196%0.3100810.4W14.300
9 AM195%0.4100711.5W15.200
10 AM194%0.5100714.4W1900
11 AM293%0.6100713.7W1800
12 PM292%0.9100613.7W17.700
1 PM291%1100613W16.500
2 PM390%1.2100513.3W16.500
3 PM390%1.1100512.6W15.700
4 PM389%1.1100511.9W15.500
5 PM389%1.1100510.1WSW13.700
6 PM290%0.8100510.1W14.400
7 PM290%0.7100410.1WSW14.400
8 PM290%0.6100411.5W16.400
9 PM292%0.7100410.8W15.400
10 PM394%0.7100410.4W14.800
11 PM291%2.5100711.2W15.800
High: 4ºC / 39ºF   Low: 1ºC / 34ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 10.61 mm / Snow: 7.87 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM294%1.210105.4NNE7.200
1 AM295%1.110105.4NNE7.200
2 AM296%1.110095.8NNE7.700
3 AM197%0.910095.8NNE7.60.540
4 AM197%0.810095.4N70.810
5 AM198%0.810086.5N8.21.080.92
6 AM198%0.710095.8N7.31.211.03
7 AM198%0.610095NNW6.41.271.08
8 AM198%0.610095.4NNW6.71.331.13
9 AM196%0.710095.4NNW6.61.231.04
10 AM195%0.810096.1NNW7.51.181
11 AM294%0.810096.1NNW7.51.120.96
12 PM294%1.310096.5NW7.90.560.48
1 PM294%1.610096.8NNW8.50.280.24
2 PM394%1.810097.2NW900
3 PM392%2.310098.3NW10.700
4 PM491%2.610097.9NW10.500
5 PM490%2.910097.9NW10.400
6 PM488%2.410096.1NW8.200
7 PM487%2.110106.5WNW900
8 PM486%1.910106.5WNW9.600
9 PM386%110106.1W11.500
10 PM385%0.510108.3W14.900
11 PM292%1.310117.2W11.900
High: 10ºC / 50ºF   Low: 2ºC / 35ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM463%-2.410164.7WNW9.800
1 AM464%-2.310163.2W6.800
2 AM366%-2.210162.5SW5.300
3 AM369%-2.210163.6SSW7.300
4 AM371%-2.210163.2SW6.800
5 AM273%-2.110162.2WSW4.400
6 AM275%-210171.8SW300
7 AM276%-1.910173.6SSW5.800
8 AM378%-1.910172.2SSW3.100
9 AM564%-1.810173.6SSW4.100
10 AM658%-1.810173.2SW3.700
11 AM851%-1.810173.6W4.100
12 PM948%-1.210162.9NW3.300
1 PM1047%-0.810151.8NNW2.100
2 PM1045%-0.510152.5NNE2.900
3 PM948%-1.210142.5NE2.900
4 PM850%-1.510143.6E4.500
5 PM851%-1.810134E5.900
6 PM753%-2.110142.5SE4.100
7 PM754%-2.210142.9ESE4.400
8 PM655%-2.310143.2ESE4.600
9 PM663%-1.110133.6SE4.800
10 PM567%-0.510137.2ENE9.400
11 PM460%-2.510164.7ENE6.300
High: 10ºC / 50ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 12.12 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1079%6.3100413SW26.51.270
1 AM1086%7.3100312.2SW23.41.90
2 AM1093%8.4100215.5WSW28.92.540
3 AM1093%8.9100116.9WSW29.91.270
4 AM1094%9.2100016.2WSW27.60.630
5 AM1094%9.5100020.5W33.200
6 AM990%7.6100329.5WNW43.50.750
7 AM889%6.7100526.3WNW38.41.130
8 AM887%5.8100626.3NW371.50
9 AM782%4.1100922.7WNW31.30.750
10 AM779%3.2101022.3WNW25.70.380
11 AM776%2.4101123.4WNW26.900
12 PM673%1.8101222.7WNW26.100
1 PM671%1.4101222.7WNW26.100
2 PM669%1.1101323.4WNW26.900
3 PM668%0.5101321.6WNW24.800
4 PM667%0.3101318.4WNW21.100
5 PM666%-0101417.3WNW22.300
6 PM565%-0.6101515.8WNW25.800
7 PM565%-0.9101510.8W2000
8 PM564%-1.210166.8W14.400
9 PM563%-1.710165.8WSW12.100
10 PM862%-1.910165WSW10.600
11 PM665%4.310054.3WSW9.100
High: 13ºC / 56ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM681%2.8101611.9WNW20.900
1 AM681%2.8101610.1WNW17.700
2 AM682%2.7101610.8WNW1800
3 AM683%2.8101612.2WNW20.200
4 AM683%2.8101611.9WNW19.700
5 AM584%2.9101611.9WNW19.400
6 AM585%3101610.8WNW17.600
7 AM586%3.1101610.1W16.300
8 AM587%3.1101710.1W15.100
9 AM686%3.3101613.3WNW16.200
10 AM686%3.7101616.2WNW18.600
11 AM883%4.3101617.3WNW19.900
12 PM974%4.5101518WNW20.700
1 PM1069%4.7101418.4WNW21.100
2 PM1165%4.8101317.3W19.900
3 PM1363%5.3101216.6W1900
4 PM1362%7101114.8W17.700
5 PM1364%7.4101011.5W16.800
6 PM1265%5.310106.1SW12.900
7 PM1166%6.210097.9SSW16.600
8 PM1168%4.2100810.1SW21.200
9 PM1166%4.210079.7SW20.400
10 PM1065%4.3100610.4SSW21.900
11 PM1076%4.5100612.2SSW25.700
High: 6ºC / 43ºF   Low: 5ºC / 40ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM688%4.510126.8WNW1000
1 AM691%4.810127.2WNW10.900
2 AM694%510126.1W8.900
3 AM594%4.510126.1W8.500
4 AM594%4.210136.5W8.700
5 AM594%3.910135.8WSW7.800
6 AM594%3.710146.5WSW8.800
7 AM594%3.610147.6W10.300
8 AM595%3.510159.7WNW13.300
9 AM594%3.510159.4WNW12.700
10 AM593%3.510159.4WNW12.700
11 AM593%3.610169.7WNW1300
12 PM588%3.310159WNW11.600
1 PM586%3.2101511.2WNW14.400
2 PM683%3.1101513WNW16.500
3 PM684%3101515.8WNW19.300
4 PM584%3101515.8WNW21.100
5 PM584%3101514WNW20.400
6 PM583%2.5101614.4W21.500
7 PM582%2.3101713.7WNW20.800
8 PM581%2.1101713.7WNW21.100
9 PM582%2.1101714.4WNW22.200
10 PM682%2.1101715.5WNW2400
11 PM581%4101114.8WNW22.700
High: 10ºC / 50ºF   Low: 7ºC / 44ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 2.61 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM795%6.810125SSW10.60.750
1 AM795%6.810125SSW10.60.370
2 AM796%6.710125.8S12.100
3 AM796%6.410125.8SSW12.100
4 AM796%6.210125.8S12.100
5 AM796%610126.1S12.900
6 AM796%610126.1S12.900
7 AM796%610126.1S12.900
8 AM796%610134.7S8.200
9 AM884%5.410135SSW6.300
10 AM978%510135SW5.800
11 AM972%4.710138.3W10.100
12 PM1066%3.910139W1100
1 PM1063%3.4101211.5W14.900
2 PM1060%3101211.9W14.800
3 PM1059%2.210129.4W10.800
4 PM958%1.710127.9W9.500
5 PM958%1.310135.8WNW7.800
6 PM956%0.310136.1WNW10.700
7 PM855%-0.210146.8WNW11.800
8 PM854%-0.810149W13.100
9 PM856%-0.310144W5.400
10 PM857%-010142.2SW300
11 PM894%6.910123.6WSW51.490
High: 13ºC / 55ºF   Low: 6ºC / 42ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM886%6.310105.8W8.800
1 AM887%6.210104W6.200
2 AM888%6.110103.2SW6.500
3 AM789%5.510113.6SW7.400
4 AM790%5.210114WSW8.100
5 AM690%4.910113.6WSW7.300
6 AM687%3.810123.2WSW6.700
7 AM686%3.310123.6WSW7.500
8 AM685%2.710122.5SW3.900
9 AM773%1.910123.2SW3.700
10 AM767%1.410124.3WSW500
11 AM962%110125.8WNW6.600
12 PM1057%1.910128.3WNW9.500
1 PM1155%2.410129.4WNW10.800
2 PM1252%2.8101210.1W11.600
3 PM1254%3.510119W1100
4 PM1355%3.810119W11.400
5 PM1155%4.110117.9WNW10.400
6 PM1060%2.910128.6WNW15.200
7 PM963%2.210129.7WNW15.400
8 PM866%1.610127.9W11.500
9 PM867%1.910135.4W8.100
10 PM967%210135WSW7.800
11 PM884%6.410105WSW8.100
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 26.07 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1180%7.8101017.6S33.500
1 AM1181%7.9101015.1S25.500
2 AM1183%8101016.9SSE26.900
3 AM1088%8.4100915.1SSE23.900
4 AM1091%8.6100815.1S22.700
5 AM1093%8.8100813.3SSE21.100
6 AM1095%9100811.5SSE18.13.20
7 AM1096%9.1100810.8S16.64.790
8 AM1097%9.210079.7SSE14.76.390
9 AM1094%9.410079SSE12.34.340
10 AM1193%9.510078.6S11.53.320
11 AM1192%9.610077.9S10.72.30
12 PM1194%10.210077.2WSW9.51.150
1 PM1195%10.510078.6WNW11.80.570
2 PM1196%10.810079.7W12.300
3 PM1193%10.310077.9W11.200
4 PM1291%10.110078.3WNW12.400
5 PM1190%9.9100710.4WNW15.700
6 PM1190%9.1100811.9WNW17.700
7 PM1091%8.7100810.8WNW16.400
8 PM1091%8.210089W1400
9 PM990%7.510096.8W11.700
10 PM1090%7.210097.2W1200
11 PM978%7.710118.3WNW13.100
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