The current weather report for Rosedale-Moore Park, Ontario, as of 10:00 PM EST, has a sky condition of Light Rain with the visibility of 14 kilometer(s). It is 6 degrees celsius but feels like 3 degrees. The barometric pressure is 1015 - measured by millibars - and is falling since its last observation. The humidity is 93 percent that is rising since the last report, while dew point has lowered to 5 degrees celius from 5.1 degrees at 9PM. Wind direction is from the Southeast at 15.8 kilometers per hour, gusting at 21.2 kph. Sunrise was at 7:11 AM and Sunset was at 4:53 PM. The moon phase is a Waxing Gibbous moon rising at 3:54 PM. Thank you for listening to the AI weather report from!
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