Lansing-Westgate, Ontario Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 2:15 PM EDT
High: 24ºC / 74ºF   Low: 19ºC / 66ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 2.09 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2091%18.510136.5NE12.20.60
1 AM2093%18.610135.4NNW9.90.30
2 AM2095%18.710136.8NNW12.500
3 AM1996%18.510136.8N12.600
4 AM1997%18.510136.1NNE11.200
5 AM1997%18.410136.1NNE10.800
6 AM1997%18.210146.5NE11.500
7 AM1997%18.210145.8NNE10.200
8 AM1997%18.110146.8ENE11.200
9 AM1993%18.210147.9E10.700
10 AM2091%18.210149E10.900
11 AM2188%18.2101411.5E13.200
12 PM2281%18.4101410.4ESE1200
1 PM2377%18.5101411.2ESE12.900
2 PM2373%18.6101412.6ESE14.500
3 PM2374%18.7101310.4SE1200
4 PM2474%18.810138.6ESE9.900
5 PM2375%18.810137.2ESE8.400
6 PM2280%18.7101310.4ESE13.700
7 PM2283%18.7101311.5ESE16.300
8 PM2186%18.610129.7E14.900
9 PM2190%19.110126.5E10.200
10 PM2192%19.310121.4NW2.400
11 PM2187%18.410135.8NW9.51.190
High: 26ºC / 78ºF   Low: 19ºC / 65ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1997%17.610137.9E1200
1 AM1997%17.810129.4E1500
2 AM1997%17.910129.4E1500
3 AM1997%18.210127.9E12.900
4 AM1997%18.410127.6E12.100
5 AM1997%18.510117.9E12.700
6 AM1997%18.4101110.1E16.300
7 AM1997%18.410129.4E14.900
8 AM2096%18.4101210.4E15.300
9 AM2186%18.1101212.2E15.900
10 AM2181%18101211.9ESE13.800
11 AM2377%17.9101211.5SE13.400
12 PM2471%18.3101211.2SE13.900
1 PM2568%18.410129.4SE11.800
2 PM2565%18.6101111.9SE15.200
3 PM2565%18.7101213.3SE16.800
4 PM2666%18.7101211.5ESE14.700
5 PM2566%18.8101210.8ESE15.900
6 PM2473%18.5101210.4ESE14.400
7 PM2377%18.410139.4E15.900
8 PM2281%18.310139ENE1500
9 PM2184%18.210146.8E11.900
10 PM2086%18.1101410.8ENE17.800
11 PM2096%17.310139.7ENE15.900
High: 25ºC / 77ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2090%18.310143.2ESE6.400
1 AM2092%18.110145E9.700
2 AM1993%17.910135.8E11.100
3 AM1895%17.210144.7E9.100
4 AM1897%16.910142.9E5.700
5 AM1798%16.610141.8E3.600
6 AM1697%15.210152.2ENE4.300
7 AM1596%14.510154E7.900
8 AM1796%13.810154.7E800
9 AM1887%15.410156.5ESE8.600
10 AM2082%16.210157.9ESE9.400
11 AM2178%17.110159.4ESE10.800
12 PM2366%16101410.8ESE12.400
1 PM2460%15.5101410.8SE12.400
2 PM2454%14.9101312.2SE14.100
3 PM2553%14.7101312.2SE14.100
4 PM2553%14.6101312.2ESE14.100
5 PM2453%14.5101310.1ESE12.900
6 PM2365%15.510138.3ESE11.300
7 PM2272%1610136.8ESE10.100
8 PM2078%16.410135ESE8.300
9 PM1986%16.610135.4E9.300
10 PM2090%16.610147.9E14.400
11 PM1987%18.710146.1ESE10.400
High: 25ºC / 78ºF   Low: 14ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1895%17.210163.6E6.800
1 AM1796%16.610164.3NNE8.400
2 AM1697%1610164N7.800
3 AM1696%14.810165.4N1100
4 AM1596%14.210165.8NNE11.900
5 AM1496%13.710165.8NNE1200
6 AM1495%1310176.1NNE12.800
7 AM1495%12.710176.1N12.900
8 AM1595%12.410175.8N11.100
9 AM1783%14.110174.7N6.900
10 AM1977%1510174.3NNE5.100
11 AM2171%15.810174ENE4.600
12 PM2358%14.210164.3ESE500
1 PM2452%13.410166.1SE7.100
2 PM2545%12.610156.5SSE7.500
3 PM2544%12.510157.2SSE8.300
4 PM2544%12.410157.2S8.500
5 PM2544%12.410157.2SSW900
6 PM2550%13.510156.5SSW8.900
7 PM2454%1410145SSW8.400
8 PM2357%14.510143.2SW600
9 PM2362%14.910151.8WSW3.400
10 PM2164%15.110152.9NW5.500
11 PM2194%18.410173.6N7.100
High: 25ºC / 77ºF   Low: 16ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1797%16.510205.8ENE10.700
1 AM1797%16.110196.1ENE11.600
2 AM1696%15.610196.5NE12.600
3 AM1696%15.310196.5ENE12.400
4 AM1696%15.210196.5ENE1200
5 AM1696%1510196.1ENE11.200
6 AM1696%14.910196.1ENE11.200
7 AM1696%14.810206.1ENE11.200
8 AM1696%14.810205.8ENE9.200
9 AM1693%15.210206.1E8.100
10 AM1792%15.510205.4E6.600
11 AM1991%15.710205.4E6.400
12 PM2175%1610196.8ESE7.900
1 PM2367%16.110198.3ESE9.500
2 PM2458%16.310189ESE10.400
3 PM2557%16.110189ESE10.400
4 PM2557%1610179.7SE11.700
5 PM2456%15.910178.3ESE10.700
6 PM2366%16.510177.6ESE10.400
7 PM2271%16.710176.1ESE9.300
8 PM2176%1710175ESE8.600
9 PM2185%17.610174.3E7.700
10 PM1989%17.810173.6ENE6.600
11 PM1997%17.510203.2ENE5.900
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 17ºC / 63ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1991%17.610236.5ESE12.100
1 AM1992%17.410236.5ESE11.200
2 AM1893%17.310235.4ESE9.300
3 AM1893%16.810235SSE900
4 AM1893%16.610234.3S800
5 AM1893%16.410234S7.200
6 AM1792%1610232.5S4.500
7 AM1792%15.910233.6SSE6.600
8 AM1992%15.710232.9SE4.700
9 AM2073%14.610234.3ESE5.900
10 AM2264%1410237.2ESE900
11 AM2354%13.510238.6ESE10.100
12 PM2453%13.9102210.1SE11.600
1 PM2453%14102210.4SE1200
2 PM2452%14.2102111.2ESE12.900
3 PM2454%14.3102111.5ESE13.200
4 PM2455%14.3102011.9ESE14.200
5 PM2357%14.4102011.2ESE14.100
6 PM2362%14.8102011.2ESE14.500
7 PM2264%1510209.7ESE1400
8 PM2267%15.210207.6E11.400
9 PM2171%15.510207.2E11.100
10 PM2072%15.710206.5E10.300
11 PM2090%17.910236.5ENE10.800
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 19ºC / 66ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2072%1510245ESE9.700
1 AM2075%15.210242.5E4.900
2 AM2075%15.210243.2N6.400
3 AM1976%1510243.6N7.200
4 AM1976%14.910243.6N7.300
5 AM1977%14.810242.9NNE5.900
6 AM1978%14.810251.4NNE300
7 AM1979%14.910250.7SE1.400
8 AM2076%15.110250.7ESE1.300
9 AM2269%15.110253.6SSE4.800
10 AM2362%15.310251.8SSE2.100
11 AM2554%1510252.2SSE2.500
12 PM2648%14.610253.6SSE4.100
1 PM2743%1410246.1SSE7.100
2 PM2742%13.510248.3SSE9.500
3 PM2742%13.310239.7SE11.300
4 PM2742%13.1102310.8SE1300
5 PM2644%13.1102310.8SE13.900
6 PM2548%13.210228.6SE12.200
7 PM2453%13.510227.9ESE12.500
8 PM2358%13.810227.9ESE13.600
9 PM2260%13.910226.8ESE11.800
10 PM2263%14.110227.2ESE12.200
11 PM2166%14.510226.5ESE10.800
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 18ºC / 65ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2073%15.210244E7.900
1 AM2075%15.210245E10.200
2 AM1977%15.210245.4E10.900
3 AM1979%15.210256.1E12.200
4 AM1980%15.310256.5E12.600
5 AM1981%15.210256.1ENE12.200
6 AM1882%15.110255.4ENE10.800
7 AM1983%15.110255ENE9.900
8 AM2080%15.310264E6.700
9 AM2174%15.710265.4ESE7.200
10 AM2368%16.310266.1ESE7.200
11 AM2463%16.610267.6SE8.700
12 PM2558%16.410268.3SE9.500
1 PM2653%16.110267.9SE9.100
2 PM2749%15.710257.9SE9.100
3 PM2747%15.310247.9SE9.100
4 PM2746%1510247.9SE9.200
5 PM2746%14.810248.6SE10.800
6 PM2551%15.3102410.4SE14.100
7 PM2459%15.610249.7SE14.900
8 PM2366%15.810247.9SE13.600
9 PM2269%15.910245.8SE10.400
10 PM2172%1610245SE9.300
11 PM2175%16.210245SE9.400
High: 26ºC / 78ºF   Low: 18ºC / 64ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2069%14.310235.4ESE10.800
1 AM2071%14.310235ESE1000
2 AM1972%14.110236.1E1200
3 AM1974%14.110236.8E13.200
4 AM1877%14.310236.5ENE12.700
5 AM1879%14.410245.8ENE11.400
6 AM1881%14.510245.8ENE11.400
7 AM1883%14.510246.5ENE12.800
8 AM1978%14.610246.1ENE10.500
9 AM2169%14.410257.6ENE10.200
10 AM2261%14.310258.3E10.200
11 AM2456%14.4102510.1ESE11.600
12 PM2454%14.9102411.9ESE13.700
1 PM2554%15.4102413ESE14.900
2 PM2653%15.6102412.6ESE14.500
3 PM2652%15.3102411.9ESE13.700
4 PM2650%14.9102311.9ESE13.700
5 PM2551%14.7102311.9ESE14.600
6 PM2455%14.8102310.8ESE14.700
7 PM2361%15.210239ESE13.700
8 PM2266%15.110247.6E13.300
9 PM2168%1510246.8E1300
10 PM2169%14.910236.1E12.100
11 PM2170%14.710235.8E11.700
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 18ºC / 64ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1972%13.910222.5ESE5.100
1 AM1973%13.810221.4ENE2.900
2 AM1874%13.710224ENE8.300
3 AM1875%13.610221.8ESE3.800
4 AM1876%13.610221.1ENE2.300
5 AM1877%13.610231.8NNE3.800
6 AM1878%13.710231.1W2.300
7 AM1879%13.810231.4ENE300
8 AM1977%14.210230.4NNE0.600
9 AM2169%14.410240.4NNE0.500
10 AM2262%14.810241.8SE2.100
11 AM2456%14.910244.3SE500
12 PM2552%14.910246.5SSE7.500
1 PM2649%14.810237.2SSE8.300
2 PM2746%14.610238.3SE9.500
3 PM2745%14.410228.3SE9.500
4 PM2745%14.110228.6SE10.300
5 PM2646%14.110228.6SE11.200
6 PM2550%14.510227.9SE11.100
7 PM2458%15.110226.8ESE11.300
8 PM2363%14.910226.1ESE1200
9 PM2265%14.710235.8ESE11.600
10 PM2167%14.710235.4E10.900
11 PM2170%14.810234.3ESE8.700
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 17ºC / 63ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1875%13.710203.6SE6.800
1 AM1876%13.910202.9E5.500
2 AM1878%1410204.3E8.700
3 AM1878%14.110204.3E8.700
4 AM1879%1410212.9ENE600
5 AM1879%13.810213.6ESE7.600
6 AM1779%13.710214.3E8.900
7 AM1880%13.610214.7E9.800
8 AM1977%13.910213.2E6.100
9 AM2067%13.510222.9SE4.200
10 AM2257%13.310224SE4.800
11 AM2450%12.910226.5SSE7.500
12 PM2545%12.710227.2SSE8.300
1 PM2643%12.610228.6SSE9.900
2 PM2740%12.410218.6SSE9.900
3 PM2739%12.210218.6SSE1000
4 PM2738%12.110219SSE11.100
5 PM2740%12.410216.8SE8.900
6 PM2544%13.110208.3ESE11.800
7 PM2454%13.910218.3SE13.900
8 PM2261%1410216.5ESE12.700
9 PM2164%1410226.1SE1200
10 PM2166%1410225.4ESE10.700
11 PM2068%1410224.3ESE8.600
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 16ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1867%11.410205.4SSW10.200
1 AM1769%11.210205.4SW10.400
2 AM1770%11.110205.4SW10.600
3 AM1670%10.810205SW1000
4 AM1669%10.410204.7SW9.300
5 AM1667%9.910204SW7.900
6 AM1667%9.510204SW800
7 AM1667%9.210203.2SW6.600
8 AM1765%9.610213.6SW6.400
9 AM1858%9.610213.6S5.100
10 AM2053%1010214.7S5.600
11 AM2248%10.310216.1S7.100
12 PM2345%10.310217.2S8.300
1 PM2442%10.210208.3SSE9.500
2 PM2441%10.2102010.4SSE1200
3 PM2440%1010209.7SSE11.200
4 PM2343%1010199.4SE12.200
5 PM2345%10.210197.9SE10.700
6 PM2247%10.710197.2ESE10.200
7 PM2153%11.310198.3ESE13.200
8 PM2060%11.810197.2SE13.100
9 PM1965%12.410195.4ESE1000
10 PM1967%12.710195ESE9.300
11 PM1971%13.110194.3SE8.200
High: 23ºC / 73ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1495%13.310186.8N13.400
1 AM1493%1310186.1N12.200
2 AM1492%12.410196.1N12.200
3 AM1392%12.110196.5N12.900
4 AM1392%11.810196.8N13.700
5 AM1392%11.610196.1N12.600
6 AM1391%11.310204.3N8.800
7 AM1391%1110201.8N3.600
8 AM1488%11.510211.4S2.400
9 AM1680%11.710212.2S2.900
10 AM1772%11.810210.7SSW0.900
11 AM1962%11.410211.8SW2.100
12 PM2054%10.810212.9SW3.300
1 PM2150%10.610204.7SW5.400
2 PM2248%10.710205.8SW6.600
3 PM2347%10.810205.8SSW6.600
4 PM2346%10.710195.8SSW6.700
5 PM2246%10.810196.8S8.700
6 PM2151%11.510198.6SSE11.800
7 PM2059%11.710197.9SSE12.300
8 PM1965%11.810196.5SE1100
9 PM1868%1210194.7SE8.200
10 PM1870%1210202.9SSE5.200
11 PM1771%11.910201.8S3.400
High: 21ºC / 69ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 2.7 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1362%610167.6W14.800
1 AM1363%5.910167.2W14.400
2 AM1364%5.810167.6WSW15.700
3 AM1364%6.310167.6W15.200
4 AM1366%710167.6W1500
5 AM1372%8.310168.3WSW16.70.010
6 AM1479%1010168.3W16.10.030
7 AM1480%10.610167.9WSW14.800
8 AM1480%11.1101611.5SW19.20.010
9 AM1581%11.610169.7WSW14.60.060
10 AM1681%11.810176.1SW9.10.080
11 AM1777%12.110167.6WSW10.50.150
12 PM1866%12.3101611.2SW13.40.210
1 PM2062%12.210158.6SW11.50.020
2 PM2152%12101511.2WSW12.90.130
3 PM2061%13.5101410.4WSW15.20.760
4 PM2074%15.210145NW8.50.490
5 PM2077%15.310146.5NNW10.80.160
6 PM1977%15.410156.8NNW10.70.210
7 PM1883%15.310157.6NNW13.50.380
8 PM1789%1510167.9NNW15.200
9 PM1689%14.310169NNW17.100
10 PM1589%13.4101710.4NNW19.900
11 PM1589%12.9101710.4NNW20.500
High: 19ºC / 67ºF   Low: 8ºC / 46ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.05 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM885%5.510162.5W3.700
1 AM885%5.410164.3SW6.600
2 AM885%5.210155.8WSW9.500
3 AM883%4.710157.6WSW13.800
4 AM977%4.610159.4WSW17.700
5 AM973%5101513.3W22.500
6 AM975%5.3101515.1W26.500
7 AM1075%4.9101514.4W25.300
8 AM1173%5.3101614W2200
9 AM1365%5.8101516.6W21.600
10 AM1454%5101621.2WNW25.800
11 AM1547%4.6101524.1WNW27.80.030
12 PM1752%5.8101622WNW26.30.010
1 PM1839%4101523.8WNW27.300
2 PM1836%3.3101524.5WNW28.200
3 PM1932%2.2101523WNW27.100
4 PM1932%2.7101524.5WNW28.300
5 PM1935%4101522WNW26.600
6 PM1939%4.7101518.4W24.800
7 PM1744%5.4101515.1W24.200
8 PM1650%5.6101611.9WSW21.800
9 PM1653%5.910169.7WSW18.700
10 PM1651%5.7101610.4W17.500
11 PM1650%5.4101610.1W17.500
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