Lake Echo, Nova Scotia Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 9:00 PM ADT
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 16ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1887%16.1101913W27.200
1 AM1888%15.7101912.6W26.500
2 AM1889%15.5101912.2W25.700
3 AM1789%15.3101911.5W24.200
4 AM1692%15101911.2W23.400
5 AM1694%14.9101910.1W21.200
6 AM1696%14.710198.6W18.100
7 AM1696%14.810197.2WNW15.100
8 AM1696%14.910196.8W14.300
9 AM1796%1510197.6W12.300
10 AM1791%15.810198.3W11.400
11 AM1889%16.210209W11.400
12 PM2086%16.710209W11.600
1 PM2181%17.710199.4WSW12.500
2 PM2278%18.2101910.8WSW1500
3 PM2275%18.8101913SW18.300
4 PM2279%18.9101816.6SW2400
5 PM2282%19101815.8SW24.500
6 PM2184%19.1101713SW21.700
7 PM2090%17.9101711.5SW24.100
8 PM1894%17.310177.9SW16.600
9 PM1897%16.610177.2W15.100
10 PM1797%16.110176.8NW14.400
11 PM1797%15.910176.1WNW12.900
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 15ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1772%11.6102215.8WSW33.300
1 AM1671%10.6102215.5W32.500
2 AM1670%10.1102114.8W3100
3 AM1570%9.6102114.8WSW3100
4 AM1570%9.3102114.4WSW30.200
5 AM1571%9.2102115.5WSW32.500
6 AM1571%9.1102114.8WSW3100
7 AM1570%9.7102114.4W30.200
8 AM1669%10102114.4WSW29.700
9 AM1869%10.3102115.5W24.300
10 AM2067%13.9102015.1W20.300
11 AM2266%15.7102016.6WSW21.200
12 PM2465%17.6102016.2W21.900
1 PM2664%18.8101916.6WSW24.400
2 PM2764%19.5101917.3WSW27.600
3 PM2664%20.1101917.3WSW29.700
4 PM2566%18.7101917.3WSW30.300
5 PM2467%18101915.5WSW29.100
6 PM2369%17.2101814W29.500
7 PM2275%16.9101913.3W2800
8 PM2178%16.7101914W29.500
9 PM2081%16.5101915.1W31.800
10 PM2082%16.1101914.4W30.200
11 PM1983%16101913.7WSW28.700
High: 23ºC / 73ºF   Low: 12ºC / 54ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1390%11.310269.7WSW20.400
1 AM1388%1110268.3W17.400
2 AM1385%10.210268.3W17.400
3 AM1381%9.310269.4W19.700
4 AM1280%910269.7W20.400
5 AM1280%9102610.4W21.900
6 AM1282%9.3102611.5W24.200
7 AM1383%9.5102613WSW27.200
8 AM1479%10102614WSW26.200
9 AM1671%10.5102615.5WSW22.600
10 AM1864%11102617.3W22.100
11 AM2058%11.5102517.6WSW21.200
12 PM2154%11.9102517.6WSW21.500
1 PM2252%12.3102418.7WSW23.900
2 PM2351%12.5102419.4WSW25.600
3 PM2352%12.8102321.2SW28.400
4 PM2254%13102321.2SW30.600
5 PM2258%13.3102220.2SW32.400
6 PM2163%13.7102319.4SW36.400
7 PM1968%13.4102318.4WSW38.600
8 PM1969%12.4102317.6WSW3700
9 PM1865%11.1102319.4WSW38.200
10 PM1764%10102320.2WSW36.500
11 PM1666%9.6102319.1WSW34.100
High: 20ºC / 69ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1089%7.410269.7NNE19.300
1 AM989%7.210268.6N17.200
2 AM991%7.210267.9N15.700
3 AM990%7.210267.2NNW14.200
4 AM991%7.110278.3NNW16.400
5 AM990%7.110278.6NNW17.200
6 AM989%710278.6NNW17.200
7 AM1088%6.910279.4NNW18.800
8 AM1181%7.210278.6N14.700
9 AM1368%7.4102810.1N12.700
10 AM1558%7.310289N10.500
11 AM1751%7.110286.5N7.500
12 PM1847%7.310283.2NNW3.700
1 PM1947%8.110273.6WSW4.100
2 PM2046%8.310276.1WSW7.100
3 PM2045%8.310266.5WSW7.500
4 PM2046%8.710267.2WSW8.900
5 PM1950%9.310269.4WSW1200
6 PM1761%10.8102610.8WSW15.100
7 PM1574%11102711.2WSW2000
8 PM1484%10.7102711.2WSW23.300
9 PM1388%10.9102710.8WSW22.700
10 PM1390%11.110279.4WSW19.700
11 PM1391%11.210279WSW18.900
High: 20ºC / 69ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1586%12.910216.5NW13.600
1 AM1587%12.610217.6NW15.900
2 AM1488%12.510217.9NNW16.600
3 AM1492%12.610219.4N18.900
4 AM1494%12.610219.7NNW1900
5 AM1496%12.8102110.1N19.100
6 AM1497%13102111.2N20.400
7 AM1496%13102212.6N22.600
8 AM1590%13.1102215.8N23.400
9 AM1781%13.2102318NNE22.100
10 AM1871%12.7102318.4NNE21.200
11 AM1960%11.2102318NNE20.700
12 PM2051%9.5102317.3NNE19.900
1 PM2045%8.1102316.6N1900
2 PM2042%7.3102316.9N19.500
3 PM2040%6.7102317.6N20.800
4 PM2041%6.6102317.6N21.500
5 PM1943%6.7102317.6N2300
6 PM1750%7.5102315.8N22.200
7 PM1557%7.4102414N22.800
8 PM1366%6.9102511.9N2300
9 PM1273%6.8102511.5N23.100
10 PM1178%6.9102511.5N23.300
11 PM1081%6.8102510.4N21.300
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1486%1210246.8WNW14.400
1 AM1483%10.910247.2WNW15.100
2 AM1382%10.310246.8W14.400
3 AM1382%9.910246.8W14.400
4 AM1381%9.610247.9W16.600
5 AM1382%9.610239W18.900
6 AM1382%9.510239.7W20.400
7 AM1381%9.310239W18.900
8 AM1575%9.610238.3W15.800
9 AM1665%9.7102310.4W14.800
10 AM1860%9.9102310.4WSW13.700
11 AM1955%10.4102310.8WSW13.200
12 PM2153%11102212.2WSW14.900
1 PM2253%11.9102213WSW15.400
2 PM2254%12.6102113SW1600
3 PM2255%13.2102113SW16.700
4 PM2258%13.8102013.7SW18.300
5 PM2164%14.2102014.8SW20.700
6 PM2071%14.8102013SW19.100
7 PM1883%15.110207.9WSW14.700
8 PM1887%14.710214NW8.300
9 PM1786%14.410214.3NNE9.100
10 PM1687%14.110215.8N12.100
11 PM1688%13.810216.1NW12.900
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 11ºC / 51ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1178%7.310226.1NW12.900
1 AM1177%7.110225.4NW11.300
2 AM1176%6.910236.1WNW12.900
3 AM1176%6.910237.9W16.600
4 AM1178%710239WNW18.900
5 AM1178%6.910238.6WNW18.100
6 AM1177%6.710237.9WNW16.600
7 AM1177%6.510247.2WNW15.100
8 AM1371%7.310245.8WNW10.400
9 AM1562%7.810245.8WNW7.400
10 AM1756%8.610245.4W6.200
11 AM1953%9.210245WSW5.800
12 PM2052%9.810246.8SW7.900
1 PM2152%10.510248.6SW9.900
2 PM2152%11.210249.4SW10.800
3 PM2154%11.7102310.8SW12.800
4 PM2159%12.3102312.2SW1500
5 PM2062%12.9102312.2SW15.500
6 PM1969%13.6102311.5SW15.900
7 PM1779%13.410249.7SW16.700
8 PM1688%12.810247.6SW15.900
9 PM1588%12.510245WSW10.600
10 PM1488%12.210245W10.600
11 PM1487%11.910245.8WNW12.100
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 9ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1090%8.410179.7NW20.400
1 AM1092%8.410179.7NW20.400
2 AM1092%8.510179.7NW20.400
3 AM1092%8.6101710.1NW21.200
4 AM1092%8.6101810.4NW21.900
5 AM1092%8.6101810.8NW22.700
6 AM992%8.1101911.2NW23.400
7 AM1091%7.8101911.2WNW23.400
8 AM1190%8.9101910.8NW19.200
9 AM1384%9.9102012.6NW17.100
10 AM1570%9.3102014NW16.700
11 AM1655%7.7102014.4WNW16.600
12 PM1849%7102014.8WNW1700
1 PM1845%6.6102014.4WNW16.600
2 PM1942%6102014.4WNW16.600
3 PM1942%6.1101914.8WNW17.200
4 PM1944%6.8101914.4WNW17.800
5 PM1849%7.9102015.5WNW20.400
6 PM1758%9.4102012.2W17.600
7 PM1570%10.210209.4WSW18.100
8 PM1476%9.710217.9WSW16.600
9 PM1378%9.510216.5WNW13.600
10 PM1280%8.710216.8NW14.400
11 PM1181%7.910227.2NNW15.100
High: 18ºC / 65ºF   Low: 10ºC / 51ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 5.02 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1277%7.6101513W27.100
1 AM1176%6.7101513WSW27.200
2 AM1179%6.9101613.3WSW2800
3 AM1084%7.4101612.6WSW26.500
4 AM1188%8.2101511.9WSW24.900
5 AM1189%9101511.9SW24.900
6 AM1190%9.6101512.2WSW25.700
7 AM1291%10.1101511.2WSW2300
8 AM1486%11.4101511.5SW18.600
9 AM1679%12.7101516.2SW20.100
10 AM1774%13.3101516.9SW19.500
11 AM1776%13.6101516.2SSW21.10.490
12 PM1785%14.8101414.8SW21.60.450
1 PM1885%14.4101414.4SW22.90.310
2 PM1880%14.6101418SW250.30
3 PM1875%14.4101418SW25.30.370
4 PM1885%15101315.8SW25.80.730
5 PM1784%15101315.8WSW250.770
6 PM1688%14.7101313.3WSW22.71.130
7 PM1590%13.4101410.1W19.90.350
8 PM1390%11.810149WNW18.90.10
9 PM1290%10.410159.4NNW19.70.020
10 PM1188%9.210159.7NW20.400
11 PM1086%8101511.5WNW24.200
High: 18ºC / 65ºF   Low: 9ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1384%10.9101120.5W37.200
1 AM1285%9101116.2W30.900
2 AM1188%8.5101114.8W3100
3 AM1186%7.9101214.4W30.200
4 AM1083%7.4101217.6W35.500
5 AM1084%7101314W29.500
6 AM985%6.8101313.3W2800
7 AM1082%6.4101414.4W3000
8 AM1175%6.5101515.8W26.600
9 AM1364%6.1101516.2W22.200
10 AM1457%6.1101517.6W21.300
11 AM1553%6.1101517.6WSW20.400
12 PM1651%6.4101518.7WSW21.500
1 PM1749%6.7101418.4WSW21.300
2 PM1851%8101419.1SW2200
3 PM1855%9.5101320.5SW23.600
4 PM1859%10.4101320.9SSW2400
5 PM1864%11.1101322.3SSW27.600
6 PM1768%11.8101322SW29.400
7 PM1675%12101320.2SW31.800
8 PM1581%11.5101415.1WSW28.300
9 PM1482%10.8101512.6W2500
10 PM1380%9.8101511.2WNW22.500
11 PM1281%9.1101511.2W22.600
High: 20ºC / 68ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 4.64 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1998%18.1100619.8WSW33.500
1 AM1898%17.9100717.6WSW29.60.010
2 AM1898%17.6100817.6WSW29.30.010
3 AM1897%17.1100916.9WSW27.80.010
4 AM1797%16.7101016.9WSW27.500
5 AM1696%15.7101018WSW28.400
6 AM1694%14.9101116.2WSW25.100
7 AM1694%14.6101217.6SW27.400
8 AM1693%14.8101213.7SW2000
9 AM1791%15.4101211.5SW15.800
10 AM1883%15.6101316.2SSW19.900
11 AM1978%15.5101317.6SSW20.800
12 PM2079%15.7101216.6S20.300
1 PM2076%15.8101218.7S23.100
2 PM2077%16.2101219.1SSE24.800
3 PM2078%16.5101124.8S33.50.10
4 PM1883%15.9101119.1S25.70.350
5 PM1894%16.210105.8SE8.90.220
6 PM1797%16.210095.4E8.81.780
7 PM1799%16.310096.1NNE10.20.950
8 PM1799%16.1100811.2N190.940
9 PM1798%16100814.8NW25.20.210
10 PM1697%16.1100817.3NW29.20.050
11 PM1595%14.7100824.1NW3800
High: 20ºC / 68ºF   Low: 16ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 61.88 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1696%15.9101927.7E45.11.850
1 AM1694%15.1101828.8E48.70.950
2 AM1695%14.5101631ENE51.120
3 AM1697%14.8101534.2ENE55.86.890
4 AM1697%15.1101336ENE58.65.30
5 AM1697%15.5101237.1ENE61.58.020
6 AM1797%15.9101136ENE60.15.840
7 AM1798%16.8100934.9E60.23.960
8 AM1898%17.6100737.8E63.511.40
9 AM1898%17.8100637.1E61.58.150
10 AM1998%18.6100629.9ESE50.74.960
11 AM1998%19100624.1ESE41.50.510
12 PM2098%19.7100519.4ESE32.40.920
1 PM2098%19.6100420.9ESE34.90.550
2 PM2097%19.6100416.9ESE28.50.20
3 PM2097%19.8100313ESE21.10.270
4 PM2099%19.6100310.8E17.80.050
5 PM2099%19.410035ESE8.50.020
6 PM2099%19.410044W6.80.010
7 PM2099%19.410047.9WNW140.010
8 PM1999%19.1100510.1W18.300
9 PM1898%18.4100515.8W26.70.020
10 PM1798%17.1100616.9W27.200
11 PM1796%15.8100718.7W29.700
High: 20ºC / 68ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 1.11 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1490%12.310317.6SW15.900
1 AM1489%11.910316.5SW13.600
2 AM1389%11.610305.4SW11.300
3 AM1389%11.410302.5SW5.300
4 AM1390%11.310301.4SSW300
5 AM1390%11.410302.5SSE5.300
6 AM1390%11.610292.2ESE4.500
7 AM1490%11.910294ESE8.300
8 AM1685%12.910294.7E8.500
9 AM1780%13.410296.8ESE10.400
10 AM1868%12.8102911.2SE14.800
11 AM1965%12.2102913.7SE18.800
12 PM2060%11.9102814.8SE18.400
1 PM2058%11.7102816.6SE20.300
2 PM2059%11.9102718ESE22.200
3 PM1963%12.1102718.7ESE25.200
4 PM1968%12.6102619.8ESE27.800
5 PM1872%13.1102618ESE2600
6 PM1875%13.1102619.1SE29.500
7 PM1777%13.1102417.6ESE28.600
8 PM1779%13.2102417.3E2900
9 PM1780%13.5102418.7ESE30.90.060
10 PM1782%13.8102318.7ESE30.70.260
11 PM1691%14.8102220.5ESE35.10.790
High: 21ºC / 71ºF   Low: 12ºC / 54ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1489%11.710313.6S7.600
1 AM1390%11.710311.8WSW3.800
2 AM1390%11.310314WNW8.300
3 AM1390%10.910315.8WNW12.100
4 AM1287%10.310316.8WNW14.400
5 AM1285%9.710317.6W15.900
6 AM1285%9.410317.2W15.100
7 AM1384%9.410327.2WSW15.100
8 AM1577%10.210327.2WSW12.600
9 AM1767%10.7103210.4SW13.200
10 AM1961%11.1103211.5SW13.400
11 AM2056%11103211.9SW13.700
12 PM2153%10.9103213SW14.900
1 PM2151%10.9103113.7SW15.700
2 PM2151%11.2103114.4SSW16.600
3 PM2152%11.4103115.5SSW18.300
4 PM2154%11.5103016.9SSW21.100
5 PM2059%11.7103016.9SSW22.500
6 PM1864%11.8103016.6SSW24.400
7 PM1773%12.3103013.7SSW22.400
8 PM1585%12.3103010.8SW22.400
9 PM1590%12.4103110.4SW21.900
10 PM1490%12.5103110.1SW21.200
11 PM1490%12.210319SW18.900
High: 21ºC / 71ºF   Low: 11ºC / 51ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1162%4102513.3W2800
1 AM1163%3.9102513W27.200
2 AM1163%4.1102513W27.200
3 AM1164%4.3102513.7W28.700
4 AM1167%4.7102612.2WNW25.700
5 AM1170%5.4102610.4WNW21.900
6 AM1172%610279WNW18.900
7 AM1274%6.510289.4WNW19.700
8 AM1469%7.610287.9WNW14.100
9 AM1660%8.110299.7WNW12.600
10 AM1853%8.410299WNW10.600
11 AM1949%8.410299.7W11.200
12 PM2046%8.3102911.9W13.700
1 PM2144%8.3102912.2W14.300
2 PM2143%8.7102912.2WSW14.400
3 PM2144%9.2102913WSW15.800
4 PM2146%9.6102914.4WSW17.400
5 PM2049%9.8102915.1WSW19.400
6 PM1955%10.4103014WSW19.400
7 PM1766%11103010.8WSW18.800
8 PM1575%10.310307.6WSW15.900
9 PM1578%10.410315.8SW12.100
10 PM1483%10.710314.3SW9.100
11 PM1386%1110312.9SW600
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Overcast 18°C
1016 mb
NNE 11.9 km/h

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