Wells, New Brunswick Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 12:00 AM ADT
High: 16ºC / 60ºF   Low: 10ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1478%10.310187.2NW15.100
1 AM1475%9.910197.9NNW16.600
2 AM1474%9.610208.6NNW18.100
3 AM1376%9.410219NNW18.900
4 AM1279%9.210219.4N19.700
5 AM1174%5.510239N18.900
6 AM1074%5.410249.4N19.700
7 AM1074%5.2102610.1NNE20.300
8 AM1077%5.6102610.4NNE15.700
9 AM1172%5.9102712.6NNE15.600
10 AM1366%5.4102710.8NNE12.400
11 AM1462%6.910278.6NE9.900
12 PM1558%710276.5NE7.500
1 PM1555%6.910275.4ENE6.200
2 PM1654%5.610275.8E6.600
3 PM1656%7.510277.6ESE9.500
4 PM1561%8.110278.6SE12.200
5 PM1467%8.310276.8ESE12.900
6 PM1371%810276.8E14.400
7 PM1173%7.710276.5E13.600
8 PM1075%5.110276.8E14.400
9 PM1079%5.610277.2E15.100
10 PM1083%6.510266.8ESE14.400
11 PM1086%7.410267.6SSE15.900
High: 15ºC / 59ºF   Low: 10ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1097%9.610179.4SW19.700
1 AM1097%9.610169.4SW19.700
2 AM1097%9.5101610.1SW21.200
3 AM1098%9.5101510.4SW21.900
4 AM1098%9.5101510.4SW21.900
5 AM1098%9.4101511.2SW23.400
6 AM1097%9.3101511.9SW24.900
7 AM1097%9.2101613SW27.200
8 AM1197%9.2101616.2SW29.500
9 AM1290%10101517.3SW26.600
10 AM1387%10.4101518.7SW25.200
11 AM1483%10.8101520.5SW26.400
12 PM1581%11.5101520.9WSW27.400
1 PM1579%11.8101419.1WSW25.700
2 PM1578%12.1101418.4W26.300
3 PM1582%12101417.3WNW25.800
4 PM1585%12101516.6WNW2800
5 PM1487%12101514.8NW29.700
6 PM1390%11.2101610.4WNW21.900
7 PM1292%10.910179WNW18.900
8 PM1294%10.510179NW18.900
9 PM1290%10.410199.7NW20.400
10 PM1188%10.310197.9NNW16.600
11 PM1297%9.710177.2NNW15.100
High: 17ºC / 63ºF   Low: 10ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1176%7.210247.6W15.900
1 AM1176%6.910237.6W15.900
2 AM1176%6.710237.2W15.100
3 AM1075%6.110236.8W14.400
4 AM1075%5.810236.5W13.600
5 AM1074%5.510235.8W12.100
6 AM1074%5.210235.4WSW11.300
7 AM1074%5.110235.4WSW11.300
8 AM1174%510245WSW10.600
9 AM1270%6.410235.8WSW8.400
10 AM1367%7.110237.9WSW9.600
11 AM1565%7.8102310.4SW12.100
12 PM1666%9.9102214SW16.400
1 PM1767%11102116.2SW19.400
2 PM1767%12.1102115.8SW19.300
3 PM1773%12102014.8SW19.200
4 PM1676%12102014SSW19.600
5 PM1579%12101914SW22.500
6 PM1383%10.3101913.7SW24.700
7 PM1284%9.4101913.3SW24.400
8 PM1286%8.6101913SW24.300
9 PM1185%8.4101913SW25.900
10 PM1184%8.4101813.7SW28.600
11 PM1177%7.7102413SW27.200
High: 17ºC / 63ºF   Low: 7ºC / 45ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM774%3.310314W8.300
1 AM778%3.910304.7W9.800
2 AM881%4.410305.8W12.100
3 AM881%4.410305.8W12.100
4 AM880%4.410305.8W12.100
5 AM880%4.410296.1W12.900
6 AM880%4.910306.1W12.900
7 AM979%5.210306.5W13.600
8 AM1079%5.510306.5WSW12.200
9 AM1271%7.2102910.1WSW1300
10 AM1468%8102912.6WSW14.900
11 AM1564%8.9102914.4WSW16.600
12 PM1664%9.8102815.5SW17.800
1 PM1763%10.3102716.9SW19.600
2 PM1763%10.7102717.3SW2100
3 PM1770%11.3102617.3SW22.200
4 PM1773%11.6102615.1SW20.700
5 PM1576%11.9102513.7SW2400
6 PM1476%10102511.5SW24.200
7 PM1376%9102511.2SW23.400
8 PM1277%8.1102510.4WSW21.900
9 PM1275%7.5102510.1WSW21.200
10 PM1074%7.210259.7WSW20.400
11 PM1167%2.110319.4WSW19.700
High: 15ºC / 59ºF   Low: 6ºC / 42ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM769%1.9102510.1N21.200
1 AM768%1.310259.7N20.400
2 AM667%0.8102510.1N21.200
3 AM667%0.5102510.4N21.900
4 AM667%0.4102610.4N21.900
5 AM667%0.2102610.8N22.700
6 AM669%0.6102710.8N22.700
7 AM670%0.7102810.4N21.900
8 AM871%0.9102810.1N16.700
9 AM964%2.8102913.3NNE16.500
10 AM1161%3.7102914.8NNE1700
11 AM1358%4.6102915.1NNE17.400
12 PM1455%5.4102914.4NNE16.600
1 PM1554%5.8102913.7NNE15.700
2 PM1553%6.2102912.6NNE14.600
3 PM1454%5.3102911.5NNE14.300
4 PM1455%4.810298.3NNE11.500
5 PM1355%4.410296.1NNE11.900
6 PM1259%3.810304.7NNE9.800
7 PM1161%3.610304.7NNE9.800
8 PM1064%3.310314.7NNE9.800
9 PM968%3.310314.7NNE9.800
10 PM970%3.310314.3N9.100
11 PM870%2.910254.7N9.800
High: 13ºC / 56ºF   Low: 4ºC / 39ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM566%-1.1101811.5NW19.900
1 AM566%-1.210199.4NW17.800
2 AM467%-1.210207.2NW14.800
3 AM468%-1.210206.8WNW14.300
4 AM469%-1.310217.9WNW16.600
5 AM470%-1.310218.3WNW17.400
6 AM470%-1.310228.6WNW1800
7 AM471%-1.310239NW18.600
8 AM570%-0.610239NW13.900
9 AM666%0.410239.7NW11.800
10 AM960%0.410239.7NW11.200
11 AM1057%2.510248.3W9.500
12 PM1158%3.310249.7WNW11.200
1 PM1258%4.110237.9W9.100
2 PM1356%4.3102310.1WSW11.700
3 PM1355%4.6102212.6SW15.400
4 PM1355%5102210.4WSW13.800
5 PM1256%4.9102210.1SW16.800
6 PM1160%3.910238.6SW1800
7 PM1063%3.110238.3SW17.400
8 PM965%2.810246.5WSW13.600
9 PM968%2.910246.5WNW13.600
10 PM769%2.910259NNW18.900
11 PM781%1.710259.7NNW20.400
High: 8ºC / 47ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM774%2.2100116.9WSW26.900
1 AM675%2.2100016.9WSW27.100
2 AM677%2.3100118.4WSW28.500
3 AM678%2.4100118.7WSW28.500
4 AM680%2.4100118.4WSW27.900
5 AM583%2.5100116.2WSW24.900
6 AM579%1.8100217.6W26.600
7 AM582%1.9100318W26.900
8 AM680%2100317.3W22.900
9 AM675%2100420.2W23.800
10 AM771%2.2100421.6W24.800
11 AM872%2.8100517.6W21.700
12 PM869%3100518WNW23.100
1 PM868%2.8100517.6WNW22.200
2 PM869%2.8100619.1WNW24.700
3 PM867%2.3100721.6WNW2600
4 PM865%1.6100822.3NW29.200
5 PM763%0.8100923NW32.500
6 PM761%0101122.3NW33.900
7 PM664%0.5101320.9NW3200
8 PM666%-0.1101419.4NW30.500
9 PM667%-0.2101617.3NW27.300
10 PM567%-0.4101715.1NW24.300
11 PM566%-0.7101713.7NW22.700
High: 9ºC / 47ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM891%6100022.3WSW33.200
1 AM789%4.8100020.9WSW29.600
2 AM686%3.6100121.2WSW28.400
3 AM586%3100119.8WSW27.800
4 AM586%2.7100219.4WSW27.500
5 AM586%2.4100220.9WSW28.700
6 AM585%2.5100221.2WSW29.100
7 AM584%2.6100321.6WSW30.500
8 AM684%2.7100321.6W29.400
9 AM779%3.1100321.2W2800
10 AM776%3.4100319.4WSW24.200
11 AM874%3.6100322WSW26.100
12 PM873%3.8100321.2WSW25.500
1 PM972%3.8100220.9WSW25.700
2 PM971%3.9100220.9WSW25.900
3 PM973%4100220.5WSW2700
4 PM973%4.1100221.2WSW29.100
5 PM874%4.1100220.2WSW28.800
6 PM874%3.8100218WSW26.100
7 PM874%3.7100218.4WSW26.600
8 PM874%3.6100317.3WSW24.900
9 PM772%2.8100318.7W27.700
10 PM871%2.4100318.4W28.300
11 PM796%8.599819.1WSW29.300
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 6ºC / 43ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 78.96 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM897%710117.2ESE10.34.870
1 AM797%710116.1ESE8.56.630
2 AM897%6.9101010.8E14.98.40
3 AM896%6.9100814.8E20.280
4 AM895%7100715.8ENE21.97.790
5 AM894%7100619.1ENE26.47.590
6 AM895%7.3100523.4ENE32.85.40
7 AM895%7.5100418.7ENE26.44.310
8 AM995%7.7100318ENE25.73.220
9 AM996%8.6100220.2ENE29.43.920
10 AM1097%9.1100119.1ENE27.84.270
11 AM1097%9.6100118.4ENE27.14.620
12 PM1197%10.799915.1ENE23.63.170
1 PM1298%11.29995.8S8.92.440
2 PM1298%11.89989.4SSW15.41.720
3 PM1296%10.999914SSW22.10.860
4 PM1195%10.599916.6SSW25.10.430
5 PM1094%10.199914.4WSW20.700
6 PM991%7.5100112.2W16.800
7 PM890%6.2100210.8W14.800
8 PM789%4.8100214W19.100
9 PM685%3.7100316.9W22.100
10 PM783%3.2100318.4W24.100
11 PM697%7.2101320.2W27.51.330
High: 13ºC / 56ºF   Low: 4ºC / 39ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM663%-0.5100823.4WNW35.300
1 AM664%-0.7100822.7WNW3400
2 AM565%-0.9100822WNW32.800
3 AM567%-1.1100920.5WNW30.700
4 AM468%-1.2100919.8WNW29.600
5 AM469%-1.4100917.3WNW26.100
6 AM468%-1.4101016.6WNW25.200
7 AM467%-1.4101115.5WNW23.400
8 AM667%-1.5101116.6W21.500
9 AM761%-0101119.1WNW22.100
10 AM859%0.7101218WNW20.700
11 AM1056%1.4101218.4WNW21.100
12 PM1154%2.5101218W20.700
1 PM1253%3101217.3W19.900
2 PM1352%3.6101215.1WNW17.400
3 PM1353%3.9101214W16.400
4 PM1353%4.1101312.6W16.100
5 PM1254%4.310138.6W14.400
6 PM1157%2.610146.5W12.800
7 PM1058%1.810144.3W8.100
8 PM959%110154.3WSW7.900
9 PM861%0.810153.6SSW6.400
10 PM861%0.710153.2S5.500
11 PM761%-0.110084.7S7.900
High: 13ºC / 55ºF   Low: 8ºC / 46ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 10.62 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1072%5.1100316.2WSW25.300
1 AM1073%5.4100213.7WSW20.500
2 AM1074%5.7100116.6SW25.100
3 AM1085%7.499918.7SW29.20.960
4 AM1091%8.399821.2SW33.41.450
5 AM1096%9.199722WSW33.81.930
6 AM1095%9.699622.7WSW35.11.770
7 AM1194%9.899522.7WSW35.51.690
8 AM1194%10.199423W35.21.610
9 AM1287%9.799422.3WSW32.50.810
10 AM1283%9.599423.8W34.50.40
11 AM1280%9.399429.2WNW39.700
12 PM1277%8.299633.8NW4500
1 PM1276%7.699731.3WNW42.200
2 PM1275%7.199825.9WNW34.100
3 PM1270%7100026.6WNW33.700
4 PM1368%7100226.6WNW35.700
5 PM1266%7100325.6WNW35.700
6 PM1166%4.6100424.1WNW37.300
7 PM1066%3.5100523.4WNW36.200
8 PM966%2.3100623WNW35.700
9 PM864%1.6100722.7WNW35.400
10 PM964%1.2100822WNW33.900
11 PM870%4.6100422WNW33.700
High: 14ºC / 57ºF   Low: 8ºC / 47ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM970%3.5100716.9WNW26.200
1 AM971%3.8100617.6WNW25.200
2 AM970%3.8100615.5WNW21.900
3 AM971%3.9100616.2WNW23.100
4 AM969%3.7100619.4WNW28.400
5 AM968%3.3100619.8WNW30.200
6 AM869%3.1100718.7WNW2900
7 AM869%2.8100718.7WNW28.800
8 AM966%2.5100720.9WNW27.800
9 AM963%2.4100722WNW25.500
10 AM1062%2.5100723.8WNW27.300
11 AM1060%2.9100724.8WNW28.600
12 PM1158%3.1100624.8WNW28.600
1 PM1159%3.2100524.8WNW28.600
2 PM1258%3.4100523.8WNW27.300
3 PM1356%4100523WNW27.400
4 PM1456%6.3100423WNW30.500
5 PM1459%6.4100423WNW35.600
6 PM1461%6.3100420.9WNW35.700
7 PM1262%6.2100518W31.500
8 PM1164%3.5100514.8W27.200
9 PM1067%4.1100415.8W28.600
10 PM968%4.3100415.5W2700
11 PM1084%5.7100313WSW24.500
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1078%710085.4NNW11.300
1 AM1174%6.210087.2NNW15.100
2 AM1070%5.410087.6NNW15.900
3 AM1073%5.610077.6NNW15.600
4 AM1075%5.710077.2NNW14.200
5 AM1077%5.810077.6NNW14.700
6 AM980%5.810087.2NNW13.700
7 AM981%5.810087.2NNW12.900
8 AM983%5.910087.9NNW11.300
9 AM977%5.5100810.8NNW13.100
10 AM1075%5.3100812.6NNW14.500
11 AM1072%5.1100813.3NNW15.300
12 PM1166%4.5100814.4NW16.600
1 PM1163%4.3100815.5NW17.800
2 PM1160%4100816.2NW18.600
3 PM1256%3.1100716.6NW21.700
4 PM1254%2.6100716.6NW2300
5 PM1152%2.2100714NW20.600
6 PM1153%1.7100812.2NW23.100
7 PM1054%1.5100812.2WNW22.400
8 PM1054%1.2100812.6WNW2200
9 PM1057%1.5100811.5WNW20.600
10 PM1059%1.6100813.7WNW22.500
11 PM985%8.6100815.1WNW23.700
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 8.98 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM785%4.810117.2WNW14.800
1 AM786%4.710126.8WNW14.300
2 AM786%4.710125.8WNW12.100
3 AM691%4.810125.4W11.300
4 AM694%4.810125W10.600
5 AM696%4.910125W10.600
6 AM596%4.710135.4W11.300
7 AM596%4.610135W10.600
8 AM796%4.510132.9W4.800
9 AM893%7.210131.8SW2.300
10 AM1091%8.510135SSE5.800
11 AM1190%9.9101311.9S14.800
12 PM1191%10101311.5S16.10.780
1 PM1192%10101310.1SSE13.41.170
2 PM1193%10.110129SE10.71.560
3 PM1192%10.2101210.1SE12.10.780
4 PM1292%10.310129.7SE12.40.390
5 PM1191%10.310116.1SE9.100
6 PM1193%9.910123.6ESE7.20.710
7 PM1195%9.710121.4ENE31.070
8 PM1096%9.510122.5N5.31.430
9 PM1093%9.110123.6NNW7.60.710
10 PM992%910124.7NNW9.80.360
11 PM984%4.910114.7NW9.800
High: 14ºC / 58ºF   Low: 11ºC / 52ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 27.54 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1293%11.3101110.4SE15.900
1 AM1294%11.3101111.2SE16.800
2 AM1295%11.4101111.2SE1700
3 AM1296%11.5101010.8SE16.41.810
4 AM1297%11.6101011.5SE17.22.710
5 AM1297%11.7100912.2SE18.13.610
6 AM1297%11.9100911.5SE17.33.470
7 AM1297%12100913SE19.33.40
8 AM1397%12.1100915.1SE22.63.340
9 AM1397%12.6100916.2SE23.41.670
10 AM1397%12.8100916.6SE24.10.830
11 AM1496%13100917.6SE25.800
12 PM1495%13.3100820.2SSE28.900
1 PM1494%13.4100819.8S29.300
2 PM1494%13.5100723.4S2900
3 PM1495%13.3100718.4SSW22.71.120
4 PM1496%13.2100718W22.41.670
5 PM1397%13.1100716.6WNW22.62.230
6 PM1393%11.4100814.8WNW211.120
7 PM1291%10.6100811.5W16.80.560
8 PM1288%9.710087.9W14.800
9 PM1183%8.410096.8W1400
10 PM1280%7.710107.2WSW15.100
11 PM1191%11.110127.2W15.100
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Partly Cloudy 9°C
1026 mb
S 8.6 km/h
Partly Cloudy

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