New Maryland, New Brunswick Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 2:15 AM ADT
High: 15ºC / 59ºF   Low: 8ºC / 46ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1474%9.710196.8WNW14.400
1 AM1379%9.410196.5WNW13.600
2 AM1282%9.210206.5NW13.600
3 AM1285%9.210217.2NNW1500
4 AM1090%9.310217.2N14.400
5 AM986%610246.1NNE12.200
6 AM889%610255.4N10.700
7 AM889%5.610266.1N11.800
8 AM984%510275.4NNE8.100
9 AM1067%3.610277.2NNE8.600
10 AM1155%1.910286.8NE7.900
11 AM1350%3.210286.1NE7.100
12 PM1346%310274.3NNE500
1 PM1343%1.210272.5NNE2.900
2 PM1442%0.910270.7E0.800
3 PM1442%1.310272.5SSE3.100
4 PM1545%210264.7SSE6.400
5 PM1547%4.510265.8SE10.800
6 PM1450%4.510266.5SE13.600
7 PM1253%2.910267.2SSE15.100
8 PM1259%3.510266.8SSE14.400
9 PM1163%410267.2S15.100
10 PM1064%3.610267.6S15.900
11 PM1064%310267.6S15.900
High: 22ºC / 71ºF   Low: 11ºC / 52ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1368%7.510159.7SW1900
1 AM1369%7.3101410.1SW2100
2 AM1269%7.110149.7SW20.400
3 AM1271%6.710149.7SW20.400
4 AM1271%6.610149.7SW20.400
5 AM1172%6.4101410.8SW21.900
6 AM1173%6.5101411.9SW24.600
7 AM1173%6.5101414SW24.700
8 AM1374%6.5101415.1SW25.100
9 AM1466%7.8101416.9WSW25.200
10 AM1661%8.5101418.7WSW2500
11 AM1857%9.1101419.8WSW24.200
12 PM1955%10.3101319.8W23.300
1 PM2153%10.9101318.7W24.200
2 PM2152%11.5101319.4WNW24.800
3 PM2255%12.3101319.8WNW25.600
4 PM2256%12.7101417.3WNW24.600
5 PM2158%13.1101415.5WNW25.700
6 PM1960%11.310169.7WNW20.200
7 PM1861%10.510168.3WNW17.400
8 PM1762%9.610178.3WNW17.400
9 PM1664%8.910197.6NW15.900
10 PM1564%8.610207.2NW15.100
11 PM1466%7.810156.8NW14.400
High: 19ºC / 67ºF   Low: 9ºC / 47ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1255%3.310238.3WSW17.400
1 AM1254%2.810237.9WSW16.600
2 AM1154%2.410237.9WSW16.600
3 AM1057%2.210238.3WSW17.400
4 AM1059%2.110237.9WSW16.600
5 AM961%2.110227.6WSW15.900
6 AM966%2.710237.6WSW15.900
7 AM968%2.910237.6WSW15.900
8 AM1071%3.210236.8WSW13.100
9 AM1266%5.910239.7WSW12.900
10 AM1464%7.2102211.2WSW13.100
11 AM1662%8.5102211.5WSW13.200
12 PM1858%9.7102113SW14.900
1 PM1956%10.2102014.8WSW17.500
2 PM1954%10.8102014.8WSW18.300
3 PM1954%10.1101913.7SW18.700
4 PM1954%9.8101813.3WSW20.700
5 PM1855%9.510189.7SW2000
6 PM1757%8.210189SSW18.900
7 PM1658%7.610189.4SSW19.700
8 PM1559%710189.7SW20.400
9 PM1560%6.8101711.2SW23.400
10 PM1460%6.7101712.2SW25.100
11 PM1456%4.3102312.6SW24.900
High: 20ºC / 67ºF   Low: 6ºC / 43ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM672%1.610305.4WSW11.300
1 AM673%1.610306.5WSW13.600
2 AM675%1.610307.2WSW15.100
3 AM675%1.910297.6WSW15.900
4 AM676%210297.6WSW15.900
5 AM676%2.110297.6WSW15.900
6 AM676%2.310297.6WSW15.900
7 AM675%2.310297.6WSW15.900
8 AM975%2.410296.8WSW13.100
9 AM1164%4.5102810.4WSW1400
10 AM1459%5.5102812.6WSW14.800
11 AM1654%6.6102814WSW16.200
12 PM1848%6.9102715.1WSW17.400
1 PM1945%7102615.8WSW18.200
2 PM2042%7.2102616.2WSW19.200
3 PM2045%7.8102514WSW17.700
4 PM2047%8102513.3WSW19.800
5 PM1848%8.310249.7WSW20.400
6 PM1752%710249.7WSW20.400
7 PM1555%6.310249.4WSW19.700
8 PM1457%5.610249.4WSW19.700
9 PM1457%4.910249WSW18.900
10 PM1057%4.510248.6WSW18.100
11 PM1169%1.610308.6WSW18.100
High: 15ºC / 58ºF   Low: 4ºC / 39ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM573%0.910253.6NW7.600
1 AM575%0.810254.3NNW9.100
2 AM577%0.810264.7NNW9.800
3 AM477%0.410266.1N12.900
4 AM477%0.310266.5N13.600
5 AM477%0.110276.5N13.600
6 AM475%0.110286.8N14.400
7 AM474%0.110286.1N12.900
8 AM674%0.110295N8.500
9 AM864%1.910297.9NNE9.700
10 AM1159%2.810308.3NNE9.500
11 AM1255%3.710309.4NNE10.800
12 PM1452%4.2103010.1NNE11.600
1 PM1550%4.510309.7NNE11.200
2 PM1448%4.810299NNE10.400
3 PM1451%4.310298.6NNE10.700
4 PM1352%410296.5NNE9.100
5 PM1254%3.710294.3ENE900
6 PM1158%3.110302.9ENE600
7 PM1159%2.810301.4ESE300
8 PM961%2.610301.4WSW300
9 PM967%2.610302.9WSW600
10 PM770%2.710303.6WSW7.600
11 PM769%0.910254.3WSW9.100
High: 14ºC / 57ºF   Low: 2ºC / 36ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM470%-1.110189W17.300
1 AM471%-1.310198.3W16.300
2 AM372%-1.410197.9W16.300
3 AM373%-1.510207.9W16.600
4 AM374%-1.610208.6W18.100
5 AM374%-1.610218.3WSW17.400
6 AM274%-1.710228.3W17.400
7 AM375%-1.710227.6W15.900
8 AM472%-1.210237.9W12.600
9 AM664%-0.6102310.8WNW13.200
10 AM858%-0.3102310.8WNW12.400
11 AM1053%1.5102311.2W12.900
12 PM1249%1.9102310.8W12.400
1 PM1347%2.2102311.5W13.200
2 PM1446%2.6102211.5W13.200
3 PM1446%3102211.5W14.300
4 PM1447%3.410229.4WNW12.900
5 PM1349%3.410226.5NW12.800
6 PM1352%3.210225.4NW11.300
7 PM1056%3.210232.9WNW600
8 PM959%0.610232.9W600
9 PM864%0.810242.9WNW600
10 PM666%0.810252.5WNW5.300
11 PM678%0.310252.9WNW600
High: 8ºC / 45ºF   Low: 4ºC / 40ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM676%1.6100014.4WSW23.100
1 AM674%1.699914.8WSW23.400
2 AM674%1.699917.3WSW25.700
3 AM679%2.2100016.9WSW25.500
4 AM581%2.3100018WSW25.700
5 AM582%1.7100015.8WSW22.400
6 AM580%1.1100114.8WSW21.300
7 AM577%0.7100215.5WSW2200
8 AM575%0.8100316.2WSW21.300
9 AM673%1.4100317.6W23.300
10 AM770%2.1100417.6W2400
11 AM770%2.4100416.2WNW21.700
12 PM868%2.3100518.7WNW22.300
1 PM767%1.9100518WNW22.500
2 PM766%1.4100622WNW26.400
3 PM763%0.9100721.6WNW26.100
4 PM762%0.3100822.7WNW29.200
5 PM763%0.1100921.6NW30.900
6 PM764%0.2101119.4NW30.700
7 PM664%0.1101316.9NW27.700
8 PM664%-0.6101514WNW23.500
9 PM565%-0.8101611.9WNW20.600
10 PM567%-0.9101710.4WNW18.900
11 PM468%-0.8101710.1W18.600
High: 8ºC / 47ºF   Low: 4ºC / 38ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM785%499818SW25.500
1 AM684%2.999920.5WSW28.400
2 AM582%1.899918.7WSW2600
3 AM486%1.6100017.6WSW25.300
4 AM488%1.5100019.1SW27.500
5 AM489%1.4100120.2WSW28.700
6 AM488%1.6100120.5WSW29.100
7 AM487%1.6100118.4WSW26.300
8 AM486%1.7100218.4WSW25.500
9 AM582%2100218WSW24.400
10 AM580%2.2100218.7WSW2400
11 AM678%2.3100221.6WSW24.800
12 PM772%2.4100218.7WSW22.800
1 PM870%2.4100118.7WSW23.500
2 PM867%2.5100118.4WSW24.300
3 PM866%2.2100116.9WSW22.900
4 PM866%2.1100118.7WSW25.800
5 PM865%2100117.6WSW24.800
6 PM868%2100117.6WSW25.800
7 PM769%2100116.9WSW2500
8 PM770%2.1100117.6WSW25.500
9 PM770%1.4100217.6WSW26.400
10 PM770%1.1100217.3WSW24.700
11 PM688%6.199718WSW25.900
High: 8ºC / 47ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 35.26 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM785%4.710118.3ENE13.72.050
1 AM791%5.310114.7ENE7.33.070
2 AM797%5.910106.8E10.44.10
3 AM696%5.710096.5ENE9.85.140
4 AM696%5.710098.3ENE12.35.660
5 AM696%5.6100811.2ENE166.180
6 AM695%5.5100614.4ENE20.33.830
7 AM695%5.5100616.6ENE23.32.650
8 AM794%5.5100518.7ENE26.41.480
9 AM794%6100319.4ENE27.10.740
10 AM793%6.3100217.3ENE23.70.370
11 AM893%6.6100115.5ENE21.700
12 PM894%7.2100013.7ENE19.500
1 PM894%7.599910.4ENE14.100
2 PM895%7.89986.5N900
3 PM893%7.39984.3NNW6.200
4 PM892%79997.9NW11.200
5 PM791%6.79998.3W11.700
6 PM789%4.8100012.6W17.800
7 PM687%3.8100114.4W19.600
8 PM586%2.9100115.5W21.100
9 PM584%2.4100217.3W23.700
10 PM783%2.2100218.4W25.500
11 PM673%3.4101319.1W26.700
High: 12ºC / 54ºF   Low: 3ºC / 37ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM563%-1.4100820.2WNW31.200
1 AM565%-1.5100820.2WNW3100
2 AM466%-1.7100820.2WNW30.800
3 AM369%-1.8100919.8WNW30.200
4 AM371%-1.9100919.8WNW29.900
5 AM372%-1.9100918WNW27.500
6 AM370%-1.9101018WNW27.400
7 AM370%-1.9101016.9WNW25.900
8 AM569%-1.9101116.9WNW22.200
9 AM662%-0.5101118.7WNW22.200
10 AM859%0.2101118.7WNW21.500
11 AM956%0.8101218.7WNW21.500
12 PM1153%1.8101218WNW20.700
1 PM1252%2.3101217.3WNW19.900
2 PM1250%2.8101215.8WNW18.200
3 PM1252%3.1101214.8WNW1700
4 PM1253%3.3101312.6WNW15.800
5 PM1154%3.410137.2W11.800
6 PM1057%1.710146.5W12.700
7 PM859%0.910144.3WSW8.600
8 PM861%0.110142.9WSW5.900
9 PM763%0.110151.1NW2.100
10 PM764%0.110154.7E8.500
11 PM660%-1.110075ENE9.200
High: 11ºC / 51ºF   Low: 7ºC / 44ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 16.72 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM971%4.4100114SW2100
1 AM972%4.4100113.3SW19.900
2 AM972%4.5100015.5SW23.100
3 AM884%5.799817.6SW26.51.110
4 AM890%6.299716.6SW25.81.670
5 AM896%6.899619.8WSW31.92.230
6 AM895%7.399520.9WSW33.62.790
7 AM895%7.599421.6WSW34.93.070
8 AM994%7.799319.4WSW29.43.340
9 AM992%899418W24.21.670
10 AM1090%8.199415.8WNW23.10.840
11 AM1089%8.299528.8WNW40.200
12 PM1082%7.599729.2NW40.200
1 PM1179%7.199827WNW3600
2 PM1075%6.799926.3WNW34.100
3 PM1072%5.3100125.2WNW30.500
4 PM1071%4.6100223.8WNW30.200
5 PM969%3.9100323.4WNW33.200
6 PM967%2.6100521.6WNW33.400
7 PM865%1.9100519.8WNW31.600
8 PM764%1.3100619.4WNW31.200
9 PM763%0.4100719.8WNW31.600
10 PM863%-0.1100820.5WNW32.500
11 PM770%4.3100319.8WNW31.400
High: 12ºC / 54ºF   Low: 7ºC / 45ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.01 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM970%3.6100617.3WNW24.500
1 AM971%3.8100615.5WNW22.300
2 AM971%4100614.8WNW21.400
3 AM872%3.7100616.9WNW25.100
4 AM872%3.5100617.3WNW26.600
5 AM870%3100616.2WNW25.800
6 AM869%2.4100716.9WNW2700
7 AM768%1.8100717.6WNW28.100
8 AM867%1.5100719.8WNW27.300
9 AM865%1.6100722WNW25.600
10 AM962%1.9100723.8WNW27.300
11 AM1059%2.3100625.2WNW2900
12 PM1059%2.5100625.6WNW29.400
1 PM1157%2.7100525.6WNW29.400
2 PM1254%3100524.5WNW28.200
3 PM1253%3.8100522WNW25.300
4 PM1255%3.1100420.9WNW27.100
5 PM1157%3100419.4WNW29.400
6 PM1158%3.1100415.8W27.800
7 PM1158%3.5100415.8W27.900
8 PM1061%3.3100415.1W2600
9 PM1066%3.8100314W24.100
10 PM968%4100312.2WSW20.800
11 PM984%5.3100211.9SW210.010
High: 12ºC / 54ºF   Low: 8ºC / 46ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1077%610083.6NNW6.700
1 AM980%6.110084.7NW8.600
2 AM983%6.210075.4NW9.600
3 AM885%610075NW9.500
4 AM886%5.910075.4NW10.600
5 AM887%5.810076.1WNW11.800
6 AM887%5.610086.5WNW12.400
7 AM886%5.510086.1WNW1200
8 AM886%5.310086.5WNW10.400
9 AM977%510089.7NW12.400
10 AM1072%4.8100812.2NW14.400
11 AM1168%4.7100813.7NW15.700
12 PM1158%3.4100815.1NW17.400
1 PM1253%2.8100816.9NW19.500
2 PM1248%2.2100717.3NW20.400
3 PM1250%2.3100716.2NW21.900
4 PM1251%2.4100714NW19.200
5 PM1153%2.5100713NW19.200
6 PM1055%1.810089.7WNW17.600
7 PM1057%1.510089WNW17.200
8 PM958%1.210089.4WNW17.800
9 PM862%1.510089.4WNW17.500
10 PM1065%1.7100811.2W19.600
11 PM871%5.7100814.4WNW23.100
High: 12ºC / 53ºF   Low: 2ºC / 35ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 6.83 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM691%4.510118.3W17.400
1 AM692%4.510117.2W15.100
2 AM594%4.410116.8WSW14.400
3 AM496%3.110126.8WSW14.400
4 AM397%2.510126.5WSW13.600
5 AM297%1.810126.5SW13.600
6 AM297%1.210137.2WSW15.100
7 AM297%0.910137.2WSW15.100
8 AM396%0.610135WSW8.500
9 AM495%3.610135WSW6.500
10 AM695%5.110135.4SW6.200
11 AM894%6.610137.6WSW8.700
12 PM988%7.710126.5SW7.600
1 PM1185%8.310125.8SSE7.400
2 PM1183%8.910117.9SSE9.100
3 PM1280%8.610116.5SSE7.50.610
4 PM1279%8.410114.7SSE6.10.910
5 PM1277%8.310113.2SSE5.11.210
6 PM1181%8.310112.9ESE61.140
7 PM1182%8.310111.8SE3.81.10
8 PM1184%8.310110.7NE1.51.060
9 PM1185%8.110111.1N2.30.530
10 PM986%810111.1WNW2.30.270
11 PM988%4.610102.2WNW4.500
High: 14ºC / 57ºF   Low: 10ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 22.15 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1294%1110118.3SSE12.500
1 AM1294%10.910117.9SE11.900
2 AM1295%10.910108.6SE12.800
3 AM1295%1110109SE13.100
4 AM1295%11.110099.7SE14.100
5 AM1296%11.110099.4SE13.800
6 AM1296%11.410099.4SE13.81.360
7 AM1296%11.5100910.8SE15.82.040
8 AM1396%11.6100912.6SE18.42.720
9 AM1395%12.1100813.3SE18.81.360
10 AM1395%12.4100813SE18.30.680
11 AM1394%12.6100814.8SE20.700
12 PM1495%12.8100715.5SSE220.610
1 PM1495%12.9100614.4SSE20.90.910
2 PM1495%13100614.8SW201.210
3 PM1495%12.7100618.4WNW24.52.330
4 PM1395%12.6100617.6WNW24.22.890
5 PM1395%12.5100613.7WNW19.53.450
6 PM1291%10.2100713W18.61.730
7 PM1189%9.1100810.4WSW17.30.860
8 PM1087%810087.6WSW14.600
9 PM1084%6.910096.8WSW13.800
10 PM1183%6.310106.8WSW13.600
11 PM1092%1110117.2WSW14.400
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