Deloraine, Manitoba Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 12:30 AM CDT
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 14ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 10.94 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1879%13.199628.8S41.200
1 AM1783%13.599529.2S42.300
2 AM1689%13.899528.4S42.41.820
3 AM1593%1499628.4S43.42.730
4 AM1596%14.199627.7SSW42.33.650
5 AM1596%13.799627SSW39.81.820
6 AM1495%13.699623SSW33.10.910
7 AM1595%13.499722.3SSW35.800
8 AM1593%13.699725.2SSW39.200
9 AM1591%13.799729.2SW37.500
10 AM1690%13.899733.1SW38.100
11 AM1883%14.699832.4WSW37.300
12 PM1979%1599826.6WSW31.500
1 PM2076%15.599830.2W35.100
2 PM2167%1599929.5W37.700
3 PM2263%14.899931W3600
4 PM2159%14.599927.7W32.700
5 PM2165%13.9100134.9W40.600
6 PM2068%13.6100132.4W38.300
7 PM1971%13.2100227W34.200
8 PM1875%13100424.5W33.400
9 PM1777%12.8100522.7W3200
10 PM1780%12.7100521.6W31.100
11 PM1674%12.699619.1W30.100
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 20ºC / 68ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2195%19.3100227.4ESE49.100
1 AM2195%19.3100129.2ESE51.100
2 AM2193%19.4100027ESE4800
3 AM2193%19.4100027ESE46.800
4 AM2192%19.4100027.4ESE48.200
5 AM2093%19.199927ESE46.500
6 AM2093%18.999927.4ESE45.300
7 AM2094%18.899927.4SE4400
8 AM2082%16.9100022SSE36.300
9 AM2176%16100119.8S26.200
10 AM2269%15100124.8S28.800
11 AM2362%15.3100124.1S27.800
12 PM2458%15.5100222S25.300
1 PM2555%15.6100222.7SSE26.100
2 PM2645%13.2100125.9SSE29.800
3 PM2740%12100028.8SE33.100
4 PM2735%10.799934.6SE39.700
5 PM2639%11.399937.4SE43.100
6 PM2641%11.699934.6SE47.800
7 PM2444%1299930.6SSE48.900
8 PM2354%12.899931.7S50.800
9 PM2259%13.299923.4SSE44.900
10 PM2164%13.699920.2SSE38.100
11 PM2196%19.3100219.4S34.100
High: 29ºC / 84ºF   Low: 18ºC / 65ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2072%14.5100918E36.900
1 AM1974%14.4100819.4ESE36.400
2 AM1982%15.5100825.2ESE41.500
3 AM1986%16100719.1E37.200
4 AM1890%16.6100721.6ESE36.900
5 AM1894%17.1100616.6E3200
6 AM1896%17.4100617.3E3400
7 AM1998%17.7100614.8E3100
8 AM1995%18100617.6ESE34.800
9 AM1994%18.1100619.1ESE29.100
10 AM2292%18.3100622ESE26.100
11 AM2476%19100519.8SE22.800
12 PM2668%19.3100422.7SE26.100
1 PM2761%19.7100423.8SE27.300
2 PM2858%19.5100325.2SE2900
3 PM2956%19.4100225.6SE29.400
4 PM2955%19.3100226.3SE30.200
5 PM2859%19.3100126.3SE30.200
6 PM2761%19.2100125.9SE3100
7 PM2663%19.2100123.8ESE35.800
8 PM2570%18.9100123E45.200
9 PM2474%18.8100125.6E52.500
10 PM2277%18.6100127.4ESE53.800
11 PM2270%14.7100924.5ESE48.800
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 19ºC / 65ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 3.54 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2041%6.6101113.7ESE28.700
1 AM2042%6.4101114.4ESE30.200
2 AM1944%6.7101114.8ESE3100
3 AM1947%7.4101115.1ESE31.800
4 AM1954%9101216.6SSE34.800
5 AM1966%12.3101215.1SE30.700
6 AM1976%14.4101116.6ESE34.200
7 AM1978%14.5101013.3E2800
8 AM2073%1410106.8SE14.40.290
9 AM2165%13.910109SE15.100
10 AM2260%13.6100910.1E18.500
11 AM2352%13.3100917.3S22.900
12 PM2550%13.3100910.1SE13.700
1 PM2546%1310099.7SSE1200
2 PM2745%13.310097.9SE10.50.030
3 PM2741%13.3100818.4SE21.10.450
4 PM2648%15100817.3ESE21.80.040
5 PM2655%16.5100715.5ESE21.90.230
6 PM2656%16.8100716.2SE23.50.170
7 PM2461%16.8100613ESE21.31.030
8 PM2275%17100615.8E33.30.10
9 PM2181%16.9100618.4ESE38.60.180
10 PM2082%17100623.4ESE44.10.940
11 PM2083%16.7100622ESE46.10.070
High: 31ºC / 88ºF   Low: 15ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.62 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1960%11.1100714SE29.50.140
1 AM1864%11.1100811.5S24.200
2 AM1766%10.910088.6S18.10.480
3 AM1771%11.210099.7SE20.400
4 AM1676%12100910.4SE21.900
5 AM1682%12.6100911.2SE23.400
6 AM1585%12.710096.8SSE14.400
7 AM1682%11.810092.2S4.500
8 AM1773%11.210102.5W5.300
9 AM2056%10.210105NW9.800
10 AM2338%7.310107.6NW10.300
11 AM2527%5.110108.3WNW9.500
12 PM2722%410107.2WNW8.300
1 PM2919%3.210108.3WNW9.500
2 PM3017%310107.9WNW9.100
3 PM3116%2.710096.5WNW7.500
4 PM3116%2.510095.8W6.600
5 PM3116%2.410094.3WSW500
6 PM2917%2.510092.9SSW3.600
7 PM2722%4.410104.3SSE8.300
8 PM2526%3.510106.5SE13.600
9 PM2329%3.810119ESE18.900
10 PM2234%4.9101111.2ESE23.400
11 PM2139%6.4101211.2ESE23.400
High: 28ºC / 82ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.08 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1651%5.6101013SW27.200
1 AM1554%6.1101113.7WSW27.300
2 AM1557%6.3101110.4WSW21.900
3 AM1460%6.310119SW18.900
4 AM1461%6.210119SW18.900
5 AM1363%6.110128.3SW17.400
6 AM1364%610125.8SSW12.100
7 AM1365%610127.2SSE15.100
8 AM1563%610138.3SSE17.400
9 AM1752%6.410127.9SSE1200
10 AM2043%6.5101211.9SSE13.700
11 AM2237%6.5101214.8SSE1700
12 PM2431%6.1101118.7SSE21.500
1 PM2625%4.9101017.6SSE20.300
2 PM2722%4100920.9SSE2400
3 PM2822%4.3100824.5SSE28.200
4 PM2823%4.9100824.8SSE28.600
5 PM2724%6100724.5SSE28.600
6 PM2634%9100720.2SE30.10.070
7 PM2538%9.8100624.8SE40.200
8 PM2440%9.5100622.3SE40.40.010
9 PM2147%10.3100627SE46.200
10 PM1960%11.2100716.9SE32.600
11 PM1865%10.510077.9SE16.600
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 17ºC / 62ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.46 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2529%6.8100133.5SSE59.800
1 AM2246%10.6100217.6S32.500
2 AM2165%13100415.8SSW28.100
3 AM1973%13.9100414.8SSW23.500
4 AM1983%14.3100416.9SE33.40.440
5 AM1876%13.7100322SE44.700
6 AM1876%13.4100224.1SE48.200
7 AM1876%13.1100319.4SE38.10.010
8 AM1967%12.5100420.9SE34.900
9 AM2157%11.3100421.6SSE28.600
10 AM2252%11.8100423.8S27.300
11 AM2348%12100422.3SSW25.700
12 PM2439%9.7100522.7SW26.100
1 PM2531%6.7100523SW26.500
2 PM2625%4.9100525.6SW29.400
3 PM2723%4.2100428.1SW32.300
4 PM2722%4100530.6SSW35.200
5 PM2722%4.1100532SW36.900
6 PM2624%4.5100531.3SW36.100
7 PM2527%4.9100625.9SW35.500
8 PM2332%5.3100722SW37.800
9 PM2041%7100823.4W36.900
10 PM1852%7.7100813.7WSW27.200
11 PM1756%7.5100914SW29.500
High: 33ºC / 92ºF   Low: 20ºC / 67ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.45 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2044%6.7100834.9E58.300
1 AM2047%7.7100735.6E58.400
2 AM2050%8.9100637.8ESE62.400
3 AM2051%9.8100638.2ESE60.700
4 AM2056%10.7100537.1ESE62.10.030
5 AM2059%11.5100437.8ESE64.300
6 AM2059%11.4100435.3ESE59.400
7 AM2059%11.6100432ESE51.100
8 AM2060%11.6100431ESE50.900
9 AM2255%11.3100431.7ESE46.600
10 AM2444%10.2100433.8ESE41.200
11 AM2631%8100434.2SE39.300
12 PM2923%5.9100336.4SE41.800
1 PM3118%3.8100240SE4600
2 PM3215%2.5100242.1SE48.500
3 PM3315%2.8100141.8SSE4800
4 PM3315%3.1100140.7SSE46.800
5 PM3316%4100038.5SSE44.300
6 PM3218%5100039.2SE4900
7 PM3120%5.1100036.4SE54.700
8 PM3021%4.6100034.2SE58.900
9 PM2921%4.799935.3SE6300
10 PM2922%4.9100035.6SE62.50.010
11 PM2825%5.9100033.1SE62.80.40
High: 26ºC / 79ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.01 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1952%8100914.4NNE30.200
1 AM1848%6.9101017.6NE33.800
2 AM1747%5.9101018NE35.100
3 AM1749%5.6101114.8NE28.900
4 AM1651%5.8101114NE26.900
5 AM1553%5.6101214.4NE27.900
6 AM1552%5.3101216.9NE3200
7 AM1553%5.2101216.9ENE3200
8 AM1652%5.3101319.8ENE33.800
9 AM1847%5.5101322.7ENE30.800
10 AM2041%5.7101323ENE26.500
11 AM2136%5.8101320.9ENE2400
12 PM2333%6.1101224.1ENE27.800
1 PM2531%6.4101222.7ENE26.100
2 PM2629%6.6101123.4E26.900
3 PM2628%6.5101026.3E30.200
4 PM2627%6.2100928.4E32.700
5 PM2529%6.2101019.8E23.900
6 PM2530%6.4100924.1ENE31.900
7 PM2333%6.6100927.7E3900
8 PM2237%6.7100929.2E46.100
9 PM2139%6.6100930.6E47.400
10 PM2040%6.3100931E48.500
11 PM1946%7.1100832.8E53.70.010
High: 32ºC / 90ºF   Low: 19ºC / 67ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.38 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2235%6.4100414.4ESE30.20.060
1 AM2240%7.3100414.4ESE30.200
2 AM2244%8.8100410.8SE22.700
3 AM2146%9.7100412.6ESE26.500
4 AM2150%10100311.5SE24.200
5 AM2151%9.910039SSE18.900
6 AM2053%10.1100310.4SE21.90.320
7 AM1956%9.810037.6S15.900
8 AM2155%9.610046.8SSE14.400
9 AM2344%9.310047.6SW14.500
10 AM2531%7.1100410.1WSW11.800
11 AM2724%5.3100415.1W17.400
12 PM2922%4.9100418WNW20.700
1 PM3120%5.2100418.7NW21.500
2 PM3218%5.2100419.4NW22.400
3 PM3219%6100422.3NW25.700
4 PM3220%6.7100423.8NW27.300
5 PM3122%7.5100424.5NW28.200
6 PM3024%7.9100422.7NW26.700
7 PM2827%8.5100518.4NW26.400
8 PM2535%8.5100613.7NW28.700
9 PM2342%9.2100714N29.500
10 PM2248%10100822.3NNE38.200
11 PM2050%9.4100820.5NE37.300
High: 33ºC / 91ºF   Low: 17ºC / 62ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM2033%3.1101113SE27.200
1 AM1935%2.8101111.2SE23.400
2 AM1835%2.5101110.1SE21.200
3 AM1835%2.210119.7SE20.400
4 AM1834%1.7101110.4SE21.900
5 AM1733%0.9101110.1SE21.200
6 AM1732%-0101110.4SE21.900
7 AM1732%-0.3101110.8SE22.700
8 AM1932%0.6101111.2SE23.400
9 AM2230%2.6101011.9SE2200
10 AM2429%5.1101014SE16.900
11 AM2727%6.6100914.8SSE1700
12 PM2925%7.2100915.8SSE18.200
1 PM3122%7100818SSE20.700
2 PM3218%5.4100719.4SSE22.400
3 PM3317%4.6100620.5SSE23.600
4 PM3317%4.8100620.5SSE23.600
5 PM3317%5.2100519.4SE22.400
6 PM3218%5.3100516.9SE19.800
7 PM2922%6.6100413.7ESE21.500
8 PM2729%6.8100514.8E3100
9 PM2631%6.7100517.3E36.300
10 PM2435%7.7100518.7ESE39.300
11 PM2341%9100520.9ESE43.800
High: 32ºC / 89ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1537%0.5101510.1SE21.200
1 AM1537%-010159.7SSE20.400
2 AM1436%-0.510159SSE18.900
3 AM1437%-0.910158.3S17.400
4 AM1337%-1.110157.6S15.900
5 AM1337%-1.210147.2S15.100
6 AM1337%-1.210146.1S12.900
7 AM1436%-1.410145.8S12.100
8 AM1637%-0.510146.5SSW13.600
9 AM1832%0.910147.2SSW13.600
10 AM2129%2.410148.3SW10.800
11 AM2427%4.110137.9WSW9.100
12 PM2725%5.110137.9WSW9.100
1 PM2922%5.110129.4WSW10.800
2 PM3019%4.310118.3WSW9.500
3 PM3117%3.410116.1WSW7.100
4 PM3215%2.810104WSW4.600
5 PM3215%2.410102.5SW2.900
6 PM3016%3.210094SE500
7 PM2724%6.3100911.2ESE20.700
8 PM2531%6.2101013.7ESE28.700
9 PM2334%5.7101114.8ESE3100
10 PM2235%5.3101115.1SE31.800
11 PM2136%4.8101114.8SE3100
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1248%1.3102310.4ESE21.900
1 AM1248%1.110239.7ESE20.400
2 AM1149%0.9102310.8SE22.700
3 AM1150%0.8102310.8SE22.700
4 AM1051%0.9102311.5SE24.200
5 AM1054%1.1102210.1SE21.200
6 AM1054%1.1102210.8SE22.700
7 AM1055%0.9102210.4SE21.900
8 AM1253%1.210219.7SE20.400
9 AM1445%1.7102110.8SSE1800
10 AM1737%1.9102011.2S13.300
11 AM1932%1.9101911.2S12.900
12 PM2127%1.9101813S14.900
1 PM2324%1.5101713.3SSW15.300
2 PM2520%0.6101613.7SSW15.700
3 PM2617%-0.3101513SSW14.900
4 PM2716%-0.8101411.5SSW13.200
5 PM2715%-110149.7SW11.200
6 PM2616%-0.610138.6SSW10.800
7 PM2422%210136.5SSE12.200
8 PM2224%0.110138.3SE17.400
9 PM2026%-0.510139.7SE20.400
10 PM1928%-0.3101310.1SE21.200
11 PM1830%-0.210139.7SE20.400
High: 22ºC / 71ºF   Low: 10ºC / 51ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1339%-110243.2N6.800
1 AM1241%-110244.3WNW9.100
2 AM1241%-1.110244WSW8.300
3 AM1143%-0.910246.8WSW14.400
4 AM1145%-0.510247.6WNW15.900
5 AM1146%-0.110249.4NW19.700
6 AM1146%0.110249.4NW19.700
7 AM1051%0.210259.7NNW20.400
8 AM1251%0.710257.9N16.400
9 AM1349%2.610259NNE11.700
10 AM1548%4.4102513.7ENE15.700
11 AM1745%5102513.7ENE15.700
12 PM1840%4.9102512.6ENE14.500
1 PM2035%4102510.4ENE1200
2 PM2130%310247.2NE8.300
3 PM2227%2.210236.5NNE7.500
4 PM2225%1.510236.5N7.500
5 PM2224%110226.1N7.100
6 PM2125%0.810225NNE5.900
7 PM1930%2.610225NE700
8 PM1736%1.910228.3ENE17.400
9 PM1542%1.8102212.6E26.500
10 PM1446%2.1102213ESE27.200
11 PM1349%2.3102314ESE29.500
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1580%11.1102313N2100
1 AM1481%10.9102414.4N23.500
2 AM1386%10.6102410.8NNW20.300
3 AM1290%10.3102410.8NNW21.700
4 AM1191%9.8102510.8NNW21.700
5 AM1191%9.2102610.4NNW2100
6 AM1092%8.5102610.1NNW20.500
7 AM1093%8.1102710.4NNW21.100
8 AM1191%8.1102710.1NNW17.700
9 AM1277%7.8102715.1NNW19.300
10 AM1464%6.9102715.1NNW17.400
11 AM1652%5.8102716.6NNW1900
12 PM1742%4.4102716.9NNW19.500
1 PM1836%3.3102617.3NNW19.900
2 PM1932%2.6102516.9NNW19.500
3 PM2029%2102515.5NNW17.800
4 PM2126%1.1102414.4NNW16.600
5 PM2125%0.5102316.2NNW18.600
6 PM2125%0.4102317.3N19.900
7 PM1928%1102315.5N20.300
8 PM1735%1.4102311.9NNE23.500
9 PM1539%1.1102411.2NE23.400
10 PM1443%1.2102410.4E21.900
11 PM1349%1.8102410.8ESE22.700
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