Kimberley, British Columbia Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 4:45 AM MDT
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 8ºC / 47ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1175%6.410126.5S13.500
1 AM1078%6.210135.4SSW11.300
2 AM981%610135SSW10.200
3 AM985%6.110145.4SSW10.700
4 AM887%6.110145SSW9.900
5 AM889%6.210145SSW9.900
6 AM889%6.410145S9.700
7 AM889%6.610144.7SSW8.100
8 AM1089%6.710144.7S5.400
9 AM1184%810145SSE5.800
10 AM1281%8.610145SSE5.800
11 AM1479%9.310135.4SSE6.200
12 PM1569%9.610126.5SSE7.500
1 PM1764%9.710118.3S9.500
2 PM1859%9.9101012.2SSW14.100
3 PM1854%9.2100915.5SSW17.800
4 PM1952%8.9100815.1SSW17.400
5 PM1850%8.6100715.8SSW18.200
6 PM1751%7.3100713.7SSW23.100
7 PM1752%6.6100710.8SSW22.700
8 PM1552%610068.3SSW17.400
9 PM1555%5.410077.2SSW15.100
10 PM1356%5.110076.8SSW14.400
11 PM1370%6.810126.1SSW12.500
High: 21ºC / 71ºF   Low: 14ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1662%8.710032.5SW5.200
1 AM1663%8.610030.4WNW0.700
2 AM1564%8.510033.2W6.500
3 AM1564%7.910031.4SW300
4 AM1465%7.710033.2WSW6.500
5 AM1465%7.410032.9WSW5.800
6 AM1464%6.910041.4WSW2.900
7 AM1463%6.610043.6W6.400
8 AM1563%6.410041.8NNW2.100
9 AM1654%6.910042.5NNE2.900
10 AM1850%7.110032.9NNE3.300
11 AM1946%7.310032.2NE2.500
12 PM2043%7.510031.4ENE1.700
1 PM2141%7.510033.6E4.100
2 PM2140%7.610034ESE4.600
3 PM2141%7.710044.3SSE500
4 PM2141%7.710045.8S6.600
5 PM2041%7.710047.2S8.300
6 PM1953%8.810068.6S13.700
7 PM1860%9.310077.6S15.900
8 PM1666%9.810077.6SSW15.900
9 PM1668%9.410087.6SSW15.900
10 PM1670%9.110087.2SSW15.100
11 PM1560%910026.8S14.300
High: 19ºC / 67ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1436%-0.810072.2WNW4.500
1 AM1436%-0.910072.5WNW5.300
2 AM1337%-1.110071.8WNW3.800
3 AM1338%-110061.8WNW3.800
4 AM1338%-0.910052.2NW4.500
5 AM1339%-0.910051.4WNW300
6 AM1341%-0.110052.5WNW5.100
7 AM1342%0.210041.4WNW2.600
8 AM1443%0.610042.5NNW2.900
9 AM1646%4.110033.6NNE4.100
10 AM1748%5.810033.2NE3.700
11 AM1850%7.510022.2NE2.500
12 PM1951%8.610012.2ENE2.500
1 PM1951%9.110013.6E4.100
2 PM1952%9.710005.4ESE6.200
3 PM1954%109996.8ESE7.900
4 PM1955%10.19997.9SE10.500
5 PM1956%10.39996.1SE9.300
6 PM1862%10.89994SE6.400
7 PM1865%119992.9SSE5.300
8 PM1767%11.29991.8SSE3.100
9 PM1772%11.49991.4SSE2.300
10 PM1674%11.59996.8S1200
11 PM1535%-0.510075SSW8.100
High: 22ºC / 71ºF   Low: 7ºC / 44ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM770%2.110132.5WNW5.300
1 AM773%2.110132.2WNW4.500
2 AM874%210131.8WNW3.800
3 AM875%4.210132.2W4.400
4 AM876%4.110132.2NW4.300
5 AM876%4.210132.9NW5.500
6 AM879%4.110132.9NW5.700
7 AM1076%4.210132.9NW500
8 AM1262%4.410123.2N3.700
9 AM1453%4.410114.7N5.400
10 AM1646%4.510105.8N6.600
11 AM1840%4.510095NNE5.800
12 PM2036%4.610084N4.600
1 PM2133%4.510072.9NNE3.300
2 PM2132%4.610062.2E2.500
3 PM2233%4.610052.9ESE3.300
4 PM2232%4.810043.6E4.100
5 PM2034%5.210042.9E3.300
6 PM1845%6.810042.5NE400
7 PM1653%5.610041.4W300
8 PM1459%5.810053.2WSW6.800
9 PM1363%5.910053.2W6.800
10 PM1365%5.910062.5WSW5.300
11 PM1267%5.710062.5W5.300
High: 17ºC / 63ºF   Low: 5ºC / 41ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.2 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM685%3.610112.5SSW5.300
1 AM588%3.310112.2SW4.500
2 AM689%3.110121.8WSW3.800
3 AM691%5.310121.8WSW3.400
4 AM692%5.110131.4W2.700
5 AM692%510141.1W1.900
6 AM693%4.710141.4W2.600
7 AM890%510151.4WSW2.200
8 AM1080%5.710140.7NNE0.800
9 AM1270%6.210131.8NNE2.100
10 AM1461%6.310132.5NNE2.900
11 AM1652%6.210122.2NNE2.50.010
12 PM1746%5.910111.8NNE2.10.020
1 PM1743%5.710113.2NE3.70.060
2 PM1739%3.310103.6ENE4.20.010
3 PM1737%2.810094ESE5.10.060
4 PM1740%3.510108.3S11.70.030
5 PM1546%4.210108.3SW13.10.010
6 PM1355%4.910115SW9.800
7 PM1263%4.310113.6WSW7.600
8 PM1066%410123.2WSW6.800
9 PM970%3.710122.9WSW600
10 PM872%3.410132.5WSW5.300
11 PM873%3.210132.9WNW600
High: 15ºC / 58ºF   Low: 6ºC / 42ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.15 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM962%2.610075.4SSW11.300
1 AM867%2.610075.8S12.100
2 AM971%2.610075.8S12.100
3 AM1069%510075S8.100
4 AM1167%510075.4S8.10.010
5 AM1169%5.410074.3SSW6.10.020
6 AM1170%5.510074.7SSE6.50.020
7 AM1170%5.710084.3S5.700
8 AM1267%5.810084.7S5.400
9 AM1362%5.510086.1S7.100
10 AM1457%5.610087.9SSW9.100
11 AM1458%5.910089.7SSW11.20.010
12 PM1461%6.2100910.1S11.60.010
1 PM1457%6.310088.6SSW9.90.050
2 PM1450%410089.7SW120.010
3 PM1548%3.8100710.8SW14.10.010
4 PM1448%3.6100710.8SW1500
5 PM1448%3.2100710.4SW15.600
6 PM1153%3.610088.3SW14.400
7 PM968%3.510097.2SSW15.100
8 PM876%3.610106.1SSW12.900
9 PM781%3.610105SW10.600
10 PM684%3.410114SW8.300
11 PM685%3.210123.2SW6.800
High: 17ºC / 62ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.58 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM995%8.510084S7.90.120
1 AM994%8.310083.6SSW7.20.040
2 AM1094%810084SSW80.020
3 AM1194%10.210084SSW5.50.040
4 AM1194%9.910084.3SSW6.10.060
5 AM1094%9.610085SSW7.20.040
6 AM1094%9.210095.8SW8.50.020
7 AM1093%910095.8SSW8.30.010
8 AM1191%9.310095.4SSW6.90.010
9 AM1382%9.410094.7S5.400
10 AM1569%910085SSE5.80.010
11 AM1657%8.210076.5SSE7.50.060
12 PM1752%7.610078.6S9.90.060
1 PM1650%7.1100710.8S12.40.020
2 PM1648%4.7100711.2S16.10.030
3 PM1547%4.5100611.9SSW17.40.010
4 PM1552%4.8100611.2SSW18.20.010
5 PM1549%4.110068.3SSW13.50.010
6 PM1352%4.410065.4S10.400
7 PM1161%3.510075S10.600
8 PM1065%310075SSW10.600
9 PM966%2.810074.7SSW9.800
10 PM967%2.710074.7SSW9.800
11 PM967%2.810074.3S9.100
High: 14ºC / 58ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.97 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1079%6.510043.2NNW6.60.330
1 AM1083%6.810044.7NW9.50.140
2 AM1183%6.810044NNW7.90.030
3 AM1183%9.210043.2NW4.500
4 AM1283%9.210042.9NW4.10.060
5 AM1283%9.410044.3NW5.90.020
6 AM1283%9.310044NW5.600
7 AM1382%9.610053.6NNW4.60.020
8 AM1381%9.810055NNW5.90.010
9 AM1381%9.910055.8NNW6.60.010
10 AM1479%10.110055.8N6.60.010
11 AM1475%9.810058.6N9.90.020
12 PM1473%9.710067.9N9.10.020
1 PM1468%9.110069N10.40.010
2 PM1464%6.210068.3N13.20.010
3 PM1459%5.910067.6N11.70.010
4 PM1456%5.810065.4N8.50.020
5 PM1457%5.910062.9NW4.70.010
6 PM1363%6.410072.5WSW4.80.010
7 PM1268%6.210072.9SW600
8 PM1172%6.210082.2S4.50.010
9 PM1175%6.310082.2SSE4.50.020
10 PM1175%6.410091.8SSE3.80.090
11 PM1080%6.910091.4SSW30.110
High: 20ºC / 67ºF   Low: 9ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 3.35 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1256%3.710061.1NNE2.300
1 AM1159%3.810061.8NE3.800
2 AM1262%3.910061.8N3.800
3 AM1265%6.310061.8NE300
4 AM1267%6.410061.1ENE1.800
5 AM1271%6.410070.7NNE1.200
6 AM1271%6.410071.4NW2.400
7 AM1371%6.710071.4N2.100
8 AM1463%6.810071.4NE1.700
9 AM1656%6.810061.8NE2.100
10 AM1847%6.510063.6SE4.100
11 AM2040%5.810054.3SE500
12 PM1937%5.810034.7S5.40.070
1 PM1655%8.6100514SW16.20.390
2 PM1468%7.2100510.8SW16.80.270
3 PM1373%7.510059WSW14.80.380
4 PM1370%710055.4WSW8.80.080
5 PM1266%6.710044.3SW6.90.090
6 PM1179%7.810056.8S12.10.520
7 PM1090%8.210054.7SSW9.10.040
8 PM1090%810053.2SW6.40.020
9 PM1089%810051.1SW2.10.160
10 PM991%8.110051.1SE2.10.90
11 PM994%8.110052.9WSW5.40.430
High: 23ºC / 72ºF   Low: 12ºC / 53ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.04 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1352%3.410094SSW8.30.020
1 AM1258%4.110100.7W1.500
2 AM1263%4.510103.6N7.600
3 AM1269%710113.2N6.200
4 AM1272%710120.7SSE1.30.010
5 AM1273%6.910121.4S2.600
6 AM1273%6.810122.2S3.80.010
7 AM1371%710131.8SSE2.600
8 AM1462%6.910121.8ESE2.100
9 AM1654%6.610122.2ESE2.500
10 AM1847%6.110111.8ESE2.100
11 AM2040%5.710102.2SE2.500
12 PM2135%5.510092.2E2.500
1 PM2232%5.510084.7ENE5.400
2 PM2230%3.310075E6.300
3 PM2326%2.610056.8S8.700
4 PM2226%2.110059.4SSW1300
5 PM2127%2.1100410.1SSW16.200
6 PM1933%3.410047.9S16.200
7 PM1743%3.310057.2S15.100
8 PM1547%3.310066.1SSW12.900
9 PM1450%3.310064.7S9.800
10 PM1450%3.410062.9SSW600
11 PM1252%3.610061.1WNW2.300
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 14ºC / 57ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1640%2.210073.6SSW7.600
1 AM1542%2.710073.2SSW6.800
2 AM1545%3.210074SSW8.300
3 AM1547%3.810074.3SSW9.100
4 AM1548%3.910074.3SSW9.100
5 AM1549%3.910075.4SSW11.300
6 AM1550%410076.1SSW12.900
7 AM1751%4.910076.1SSW12.200
8 AM2041%5.610077.2S8.300
9 AM2235%6.210069S10.400
10 AM2434%6.9100610.8S12.400
11 AM2631%7.3100513S14.900
12 PM2727%6.8100415.8SSW18.200
1 PM2626%6.5100419.1SSW2200
2 PM2624%3.6100418.4SSW2300
3 PM2623%2.6100319.1SSW25.700
4 PM2522%2.3100319.4SSW27.600
5 PM2423%2.4100316.2SSW25.400
6 PM2227%2.8100413.3SSW2600
7 PM1932%2.2100510.1S21.200
8 PM1738%2.110067.6SSW15.900
9 PM1641%2.210077.2SSW15.100
10 PM1543%210077.2S15.100
11 PM1445%1.910085.8S12.100
High: 29ºC / 84ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1439%0.610132.9SW600
1 AM1441%0.410131.8WSW3.800
2 AM1443%0.310131.8W3.800
3 AM1444%2.410142.5WSW5.300
4 AM1446%2.410141.4WSW300
5 AM1348%2.510142.2W4.500
6 AM1449%2.410141.8W3.800
7 AM1648%3.410141.4W2.700
8 AM1841%3.810141.8N2.100
9 AM2134%410132.2N2.500
10 AM2329%4.110121.8NNE2.100
11 AM2625%4.110111.8NE2.100
12 PM2822%410101.8E2.100
1 PM2819%3.910082.5ESE2.900
2 PM2917%1.710073.6E4.100
3 PM2916%0.910065.4ESE7.200
4 PM2816%0.910057.2SE10.600
5 PM2719%210056.8SE11.400
6 PM2328%510055SE10.600
7 PM2134%3.710065S10.600
8 PM1934%2.110075SW10.600
9 PM1834%1.210073.6SSW7.600
10 PM1734%0.810074SSW8.300
11 PM1734%0.910084.3SSW9.100
High: 29ºC / 84ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1445%2.210172.5WSW5.300
1 AM1347%2.110172.5WSW5.300
2 AM1449%2.110172.2WSW4.500
3 AM1450%4.210172.5WSW5.300
4 AM1452%4.210172.2WSW4.500
5 AM1354%4.210171.8WSW3.800
6 AM1456%4.110182.2WSW4.500
7 AM1554%4.810181.8WSW3.300
8 AM1844%5.110171.1N1.300
9 AM2137%5.310171.4NNE1.700
10 AM2332%5.310161.4ENE1.700
11 AM2527%510151.4E1.700
12 PM2823%4.710132.9ENE3.300
1 PM2820%410123.6ENE4.100
2 PM2917%1.310114.3ENE500
3 PM2916%0.910104ENE4.900
4 PM2916%0.810094.3ENE600
5 PM2717%1.110094NE6.300
6 PM2426%4.710092.5ENE5.300
7 PM2131%3.110103.2S6.800
8 PM1935%2.710114.3SW9.100
9 PM1837%2.310123.6SW7.600
10 PM1738%1.910122.9WSW600
11 PM1639%1.710122.9WSW600
High: 29ºC / 85ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1655%710212.5WSW5.300
1 AM1557%6.810212.2WSW4.500
2 AM1559%6.710212.5WSW5.300
3 AM1461%6.610212.2WSW4.500
4 AM1463%6.510212.5WSW5.300
5 AM1364%6.410212.2WSW4.500
6 AM1366%6.310212.2WSW4.500
7 AM1563%6.810212.2SW3.800
8 AM1851%7.210210.4E0.400
9 AM2044%7.610201.4E1.700
10 AM2338%7.810191.8ENE2.100
11 AM2533%7.810182.9ENE3.300
12 PM2728%7.410174ENE4.600
1 PM2824%6.710154.7E5.400
2 PM2921%4.510144.3E500
3 PM2918%310134SE4.900
4 PM2917%1.910123.6SSE4.900
5 PM2816%1.310123.2SSE5.100
6 PM2426%5.310122.9SSE600
7 PM2134%4.310135SW10.600
8 PM1937%3.410145SW10.600
9 PM1838%2.810154SW8.300
10 PM1739%2.510153.2SW6.800
11 PM1640%2.210162.9SW600
High: 29ºC / 84ºF   Low: 11ºC / 53ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1266%5.910241.4SSE300
1 AM1170%610250.7SSW1.500
2 AM1273%610252.2SW4.500
3 AM1275%7.910251.8SW3.800
4 AM1277%8.210261.8WSW3.600
5 AM1278%8.110261.8WSW3.600
6 AM1280%810262.2WSW4.300
7 AM1474%8.410261.4WSW2.200
8 AM1763%8.910261.1N1.300
9 AM1954%9.310251.4NE1.700
10 AM2146%9.410241.4NE1.700
11 AM2439%9.110231.8ENE2.100
12 PM2534%8.810222.5ENE2.900
1 PM2529%6.210214ENE4.600
2 PM2727%5.610204.7ENE5.400
3 PM2825%6.510195ENE5.800
4 PM2925%7.410185E5.800
5 PM2825%7.510184.7E5.400
6 PM2434%9.810173.2ESE4.700
7 PM2145%8.610182.5SSE5.300
8 PM1949%6.910194.3SSW9.100
9 PM1750%5.710204SW8.300
10 PM1652%5.210203.2WSW6.800
11 PM1553%5.110212.9WSW600
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Partly Cloudy 9°C
1008 mb
SW 3.6 km/h
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