St. Paul, Alberta Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 11:30 PM MDT
High: 21ºC / 69ºF   Low: 14ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1560%7.410069NE18.900
1 AM1571%9.410069.4NE19.700
2 AM1576%10.410067.2ENE15.100
3 AM1581%11.410067.9NE16.600
4 AM1484%11.710067.9NE16.600
5 AM1485%11.810059NNE18.900
6 AM1587%11.910059.7NNE20.400
7 AM1583%12.110057.6N15.900
8 AM1582%12.210046.5NNE12.400
9 AM1780%12.310047.6NNE11.700
10 AM1971%13.210039.7N13.800
11 AM2067%13.7100311.9NNE16.900
12 PM2163%14.2100311.9NNE16.800
1 PM2163%13.8100213.3NNE18.800
2 PM2163%13.6100113.3NNE20.200
3 PM2063%13.4100113.7NE21.600
4 PM2066%13.3100114.4NE24.700
5 PM2067%13.3100111.2NE20.400
6 PM1968%13.3100110.1NNE19.900
7 PM1873%12.710018.6NE18.100
8 PM1775%12.510029NNE18.900
9 PM1677%12.210028.3NNW17.400
10 PM1675%11.4100210.4NNW21.900
11 PM1675%11100310.8NNW22.700
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1276%810091.1SE2.300
1 AM1181%8.110092.5SE5.300
2 AM1184%8.110092.5ESE5.300
3 AM1086%8.110093.2E6.800
4 AM992%810084.3ENE9.100
5 AM995%7.910085.8ENE12.100
6 AM997%7.810087.2E15.100
7 AM1089%7.910086.8E14.400
8 AM1185%810076.5ENE13.600
9 AM1381%8.110077.2E12.200
10 AM1664%8.810067.9E11.500
11 AM1955%9.110069.4E13.200
12 PM2147%9.4100510.1E14.400
1 PM2241%9.110049.4ENE13.900
2 PM2439%8.910039.4ENE1400
3 PM2436%8.710039ENE14.400
4 PM2337%810029.7ENE16.900
5 PM2337%7.6100210.1ENE18.500
6 PM2237%7.2100210.8ENE22.500
7 PM2044%7.5100110.8ENE22.700
8 PM1947%7.6100111.9ENE24.900
9 PM1851%7.7100110.8ENE22.700
10 PM1770%10.810029.4ENE19.700
11 PM1680%12.310029.7NE2000
High: 20ºC / 67ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM993%7.610138.3S17.400
1 AM993%7.410129S18.900
2 AM992%7.610129S18.900
3 AM992%7.2101210.1S21.200
4 AM992%7.4101210.1S21.200
5 AM991%7.8101210.1S21.200
6 AM991%7.7101211.2S23.400
7 AM990%7.110119.4S19.700
8 AM1088%7.310126.1SSW12.900
9 AM1282%8.110116.8S12.200
10 AM1375%8.5101111.2S15.900
11 AM1565%8.8101013SSW1700
12 PM1755%8.4100915.8SSW2000
1 PM1849%7.8100917.6SSW22.900
2 PM1945%7.4100818SSW23.700
3 PM2044%7.6100718SSW25.100
4 PM2045%7.5100716.9SSW27.100
5 PM1948%8.5100614SSW24.200
6 PM1855%9.4100610.8S21.600
7 PM1762%9.210069.4S19.700
8 PM1663%8.710069.4S19.700
9 PM1565%8.410079.4SSE19.700
10 PM1468%8.210078.3S17.400
11 PM1373%810076.8SSW14.400
High: 15ºC / 60ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.02 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1082%7.4100510.8NNE22.700
1 AM1085%7.410069.7NNE20.400
2 AM1088%7.710067.6NE15.900
3 AM1086%7.910067.6NE15.900
4 AM1086%8.210068.3NNE1700
5 AM1087%8.310079NNE17.900
6 AM1088%8.310079.7NNE19.10.010
7 AM1088%8.210088.3NNE16.200
8 AM1186%8.110086.8NNE12.400
9 AM1181%7.910097.6NNE11.800
10 AM1275%7.710107.6NNE10.500
11 AM1370%7.710107.6NNE9.900
12 PM1464%7.810107.9NE9.700
1 PM1560%7.810105.4NE6.600
2 PM1558%7.810103.2E400
3 PM1558%7.310114.3SSE6.500
4 PM1559%7.310106.8SSE11.200
5 PM1463%7.710119.7S17.100
6 PM1469%8.3101111.2S20.700
7 PM1372%8.5101111.9SW21.700
8 PM1374%8.510129.4SW17.400
9 PM1377%8.5101210.4WSW18.800
10 PM1277%8.5101311.5WSW20.200
11 PM1277%8.2101311.9WSW2100
High: 19ºC / 67ºF   Low: 7ºC / 45ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM995%7.6100214W27.100
1 AM895%7.2100211.9W23.700
2 AM895%6.9100311.2W22.700
3 AM894%6.7100310.8W22.400
4 AM894%6.510039.4W19.700
5 AM794%6.410038.3WSW17.400
6 AM893%6.310038.6W18.100
7 AM891%6.810037.2WSW14.700
8 AM990%710038.6WSW16.700
9 AM1183%7.810038.3WSW12.700
10 AM1376%8.110039.4WSW1200
11 AM1565%810039.7WSW1200
12 PM1753%7.210039.4WSW11.200
1 PM1845%6.5100210.1W12.800
2 PM1942%6.1100212.6W1700
3 PM1939%5.4100214.4W21.100
4 PM1938%5100214.4W22.500
5 PM1939%5100213.7WNW22.800
6 PM1841%5.2100212.6WNW22.300
7 PM1648%5.510039.7WNW20.400
8 PM1553%5.410049.4WNW19.700
9 PM1456%5.710048.6WNW18.100
10 PM1365%5.910057.9NW16.600
11 PM1269%6.110067.6NW15.900
High: 11ºC / 52ºF   Low: 10ºC / 50ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 8.46 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1095%9.2100713.7N22.10.010
1 AM1094%9.1100713.7N21.70.120
2 AM1094%8.9100613.7N22.30.020
3 AM1094%9100515.8N2600
4 AM1094%9.3100512.2NNE1900
5 AM1095%9.8100514N20.30.010
6 AM1196%9.9100513.7N19.40.070
7 AM1196%10100415.5N22.40.530
8 AM1196%10.1100418.7N26.90.090
9 AM1195%10.1100316.2N22.80.010
10 AM1195%10.2100314NNE19.40.080
11 AM1196%10.2100314N20.10.210
12 PM1196%10.2100213.7NNW19.40.610
1 PM1196%10.3100215.1NNW21.20.570
2 PM1196%10.1100114.4NNW20.61.660
3 PM1097%9.8100211.2NNW17.12.720
4 PM1097%9.7100211.9NNW18.70.970
5 PM1097%9.6100213.3NW21.10.410
6 PM1096%9.4100213.7NW21.60.070
7 PM1096%9.4100211.9NW18.90.050
8 PM1097%9.4100211.2NW18.10.090
9 PM1097%9.6100210.8WNW17.20.050
10 PM1097%9.8100211.2WNW17.70.030
11 PM1097%9.8100111.2W18.50.090
High: 15ºC / 58ºF   Low: 11ºC / 52ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 1.24 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1360%4.9101012.6E25.40.040
1 AM1264%5.9101013E23.60.180
2 AM1180%7.6101010.4ENE19.80.740
3 AM1186%8.4101013.3ENE25.50.220
4 AM1187%8.6101016.9NE31.80.010
5 AM1183%8.5100916.9ENE29.800
6 AM1181%8.2100918ENE30.600
7 AM1180%7.8100917.6ENE30.200
8 AM1277%7.6100914.4ENE23.100
9 AM1372%7.3100916.2ENE24.800
10 AM1464%7.1100815.5ENE20.800
11 AM1557%6.5100815.1E19.600
12 PM1455%6.3100815.5E20.400
1 PM1460%6.6100812.6E17.500
2 PM1462%6.910079ENE130.010
3 PM1461%6.710078.6NE13.400
4 PM1460%6.9100711.2NNE17.400
5 PM1462%7.5100711.2NNE18.100
6 PM1464%7.7100712.2N20.800
7 PM1369%8100712.6N22.10.010
8 PM1373%8.1100715.1N26.90.020
9 PM1376%8.4100715.5N27.300
10 PM1279%8.7100714.8N25.200
11 PM1187%8.8100713.3N25.100
High: 15ºC / 59ºF   Low: 9ºC / 48ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 4.15 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1061%2.410155.8ENE12.100
1 AM1061%2.310157.6E15.900
2 AM961%2.110158.6E18.100
3 AM961%2.110159E18.900
4 AM962%2.310159E18.900
5 AM963%2.710159E18.900
6 AM965%2.610159.7E20.400
7 AM1065%2.710169.4E19.500
8 AM1161%2.810169E15.900
9 AM1255%2.7101511.5ESE16.800
10 AM1350%2.8101512.2ESE16.200
11 AM1447%3.3101511.9ESE15.300
12 PM1544%3.6101413.3ESE17.500
1 PM1447%4.1101414.4ESE20.30.110
2 PM1362%6.1101411.5ESE17.90.390
3 PM1368%6.6101315.1ENE26.20.090
4 PM1464%6.5101218.7ENE33.50.020
5 PM1360%6.2101119.1ENE32.70.150
6 PM1366%6.6101122NE42.90.030
7 PM1362%6.1101121.2ENE41.700
8 PM1361%5.8101118.4ENE3700
9 PM1267%6.2101214.4ESE28.80.40
10 PM1184%7.9101313.7ESE24.41.60
11 PM1093%8.5101214.8ENE27.21.350
High: 18ºC / 64ºF   Low: 7ºC / 44ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1069%4.6101216.6NW28.300
1 AM1073%4.9101315.8WNW26.900
2 AM1074%5.2101316.6WNW27.400
3 AM976%5.4101316.6WNW26.600
4 AM881%5.5101413.3WNW22.100
5 AM791%5.9101510.8WNW19.700
6 AM794%5.6101510.4W19.900
7 AM796%5.4101610.8W21.100
8 AM888%5.4101710.1W16.200
9 AM1072%5.1101611.5WNW13.800
10 AM1259%4.5101610.8WNW12.400
11 AM1449%3.8101510.8WNW12.400
12 PM1643%3.3101511.2WNW12.900
1 PM1739%3101410.8NW12.400
2 PM1737%2.910139.7NW11.200
3 PM1835%2.410138.6WNW11.100
4 PM1834%210127.2WNW10.100
5 PM1833%1.710126.5WNW9.700
6 PM1734%1.610125.4WNW8.700
7 PM1541%2.410121.8W3.800
8 PM1346%1.410131.4SSE300
9 PM1249%1.510131.8E3.800
10 PM1151%1.410144NNE8.300
11 PM1155%1.610144.7NE9.800
High: 26ºC / 79ºF   Low: 15ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1841%4.6100310.4SSE21.900
1 AM1842%4.610039SSE18.900
2 AM1744%4.410027.9SSE16.600
3 AM1745%4.410027.6SE15.900
4 AM1646%4.710016.8SE14.400
5 AM1647%4.610018.3SE17.400
6 AM1548%4.410008.6SE18.100
7 AM1648%4.110009SSE18.900
8 AM1846%4.610007.9SSE16.600
9 AM2038%4.799910.8S20.200
10 AM2232%599913.7WSW20.300
11 AM2430%5.899911.5WSW16.500
12 PM2529%6.399813.7W18.600
1 PM2630%7.199915.8WNW20.400
2 PM2632%8.399917.6WNW21.900
3 PM2636%9.999922NW28.800
4 PM2538%9.7100025.6NW3600
5 PM2435%7.9100125.6NW38.600
6 PM2236%6.5100227.4NW4300
7 PM2037%5100327WNW46.700
8 PM1839%4100527WNW48.100
9 PM1642%3.1100624.5WNW43.700
10 PM1543%2.1100720.2WNW38.200
11 PM1541%1.1100717.6WNW34.300
High: 28ºC / 82ºF   Low: 14ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1749%5.610104.7SSE9.800
1 AM1650%5.810104.3SSE9.100
2 AM1652%5.910104.3SSE9.100
3 AM1554%5.910103.6S7.600
4 AM1556%6.210101.1SSW2.300
5 AM1557%6.310102.2NNW4.500
6 AM1459%6.310102.2NNE4.500
7 AM1560%6.410102.9E600
8 AM1758%7.610103.6E7.600
9 AM1950%7.710104SE7.500
10 AM2144%8.310105SE800
11 AM2340%8.810095.8SE8.700
12 PM2536%8.910086.1SE9.400
1 PM2633%8.810076.5SE10.200
2 PM2730%8.610076.5SE10.300
3 PM2828%7.710067.6SE12.800
4 PM2826%6.810058.3SE15.100
5 PM2726%6.410058.6SE16.900
6 PM2530%7.610047.9ESE16.600
7 PM2335%7.210049ESE18.900
8 PM2236%5.710049.7ESE20.400
9 PM2037%4.9100411.5SE24.200
10 PM1938%4.4100411.2SE23.400
11 PM1839%4100410.8SE22.700
High: 26ºC / 80ºF   Low: 15ºC / 58ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1753%7.410127.2WSW15.100
1 AM1656%7.610125.4WNW11.300
2 AM1660%7.710124.7NNW9.800
3 AM1562%7.810124.3NNW9.100
4 AM1564%7.810126.5NNW13.600
5 AM1564%810127.2N15.100
6 AM1563%7.510125.8N12.100
7 AM1561%7.110124.7N9.800
8 AM1759%7.810123.2N6.800
9 AM1950%7.610121.8NNW3.600
10 AM2143%7.710124NW6.100
11 AM2337%7.510124.7NW700
12 PM2432%7.110115.8NW8.700
1 PM2628%6.310116.8NW10.700
2 PM2627%610107.6NW12.200
3 PM2626%5.710108.3NW14.500
4 PM2626%5.710098.3NW15.400
5 PM2627%610098.3NW15.900
6 PM2431%7.510096.8NNW14.300
7 PM2239%8.110096.8NNE14.400
8 PM2043%6.810096.1NE12.900
9 PM1945%6.310105.4ENE11.300
10 PM1847%6.110105E10.600
11 PM1749%610104.7ESE9.800
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 11ºC / 52ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1250%1.8102113.7SE28.700
1 AM1251%2.2102014SE29.500
2 AM1252%2.3102013.7SE28.700
3 AM1154%2.5102013.7SE28.700
4 AM1156%2.8102013.3SE2800
5 AM1159%3.9101912.6SE26.500
6 AM1162%4.2101911.2SSE23.400
7 AM1264%4.4101911.5SSE24.200
8 AM1459%4.9101811.2SSE21.400
9 AM1649%5.2101815.5S23.200
10 AM1941%5.3101716.9S23.900
11 AM2136%5.7101619.1S25.600
12 PM2432%6.1101520.2S2700
1 PM2529%6.5101421.2S29.200
2 PM2628%6.7101422.3S32.400
3 PM2627%6.2101322.3S36.900
4 PM2727%6.3101220.2S35.700
5 PM2727%6.6101119.1S36.200
6 PM2629%7.1101116.9S35.500
7 PM2433%7.3101115.5S32.500
8 PM2238%7.1101115.8S33.300
9 PM2140%7.1101113.7SSW28.700
10 PM1944%7.1101211.5SW24.200
11 PM1852%7.610129W18.900
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 9ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1158%3102512.6SSW26.500
1 AM1062%2.9102512.6SW26.500
2 AM964%2.6102511.5SW24.200
3 AM965%2.510259.4WSW19.700
4 AM1063%2.610258.3WSW17.400
5 AM1063%310258.6W18.100
6 AM1059%3.210257.9W1600
7 AM1162%3.410257.2WNW15.100
8 AM1261%410255.4WNW10.300
9 AM1453%4.310255NNW7.100
10 AM1548%4.510257.9NE10.100
11 AM1644%4.410259ENE11.500
12 PM1740%3.710247.9ENE10.300
1 PM1837%3.110246.8ENE9.200
2 PM1834%2.610246.5ENE8.700
3 PM1933%1.910236.1E9.400
4 PM1932%1.910236.5ENE10.300
5 PM1932%1.710227.9ENE1300
6 PM1832%1.810228.6E15.100
7 PM1638%2.610229.7E20.400
8 PM1443%2102212.6E26.500
9 PM1348%2102213ESE27.200
10 PM1252%2.2102214ESE29.500
11 PM1255%2.8102215.8SE33.300
High: 16ºC / 61ºF   Low: 10ºC / 49ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.07 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1192%9.4101512.2W25.700
1 AM1195%9.7101615.8WNW29.800
2 AM1096%9.5101616.9WNW29.700
3 AM1093%8.8101720.5WNW34.100
4 AM1092%8101920.2WNW32.800
5 AM1092%8.6101918.4WNW26.70.010
6 AM1089%8.4102017.6NW24.90.020
7 AM1090%7.9102116.6NW24.300
8 AM1087%7.7102215.8NW21.500
9 AM1178%7.1102316.9NNW21.200
10 AM1366%6.1102315.1NNW17.400
11 AM1457%5.4102315.1NNW17.400
12 PM1553%5.2102415.8NW18.20.010
1 PM1550%5.2102315.1NW17.40.020
2 PM1547%4.4102315.8NW19.900
3 PM1546%3.8102313.7NW20.500
4 PM1645%3.6102313.7NW20.300
5 PM1642%3.4102313.7NNW19.200
6 PM1543%3.5102310.8N16.400
7 PM1450%4.510236.5NE11.700
8 PM1358%3.810245.8ESE12.100
9 PM1355%3.410247.6SSE15.900
10 PM1254%3.3102410.1S21.200
11 PM1155%3.3102410.1SW21.200
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